I'm in love

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*Fluff warning*

Troye's POV.

(At Troye's house)

Since Mathew is sleeping over tonight, I decided that I was going to tell Mathew about the new boy that's coming and that even if he's somewhat attractive that I still wanted him to be our friend.

Okay I'm just going to tell him even though I'm scared as hell for his reaction.

"Hey, Matt?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"So i was talking to my mom yesterday about the new person whose coming to our school, and I found out its a guy and I just want u to know even if he's somewhat attractive that he's not going to take me away from you."

"Oh my gosh really it's a guy?" He said this in a surprised/happy tone.

I was a little confused on why he was happy that a new person was coming to our school, a GUY to be exact.

"Um Matt, I'm a little confused on why you're happy about this."

"I love saying that your mine and explaining our relationship to people so that's why I'm happy. I get to tell one more person that you're mine and only mine."

"Awwe omfg Matt that's so sweet! I love you."

"I love you too, baby"

"Okay so is it okay if he's still apart of our group even though he's a guy?" I say quietly because I'm still unsure if he's saying yes or not.

"Yes, of course it is. I would do anything for you sweetheart."

"Thank you babe" I say as relief took over me.

"You're welcome. Anything for you" he says this as he kisses me on the forehead. I love him so much!

Mathew's POV.
When Troye told me that a guy was coming to our school I was pissed. What the hell? What if he's attractive and tries to take Troye away from me? That's not going to fucking happen so I put on my most believeable happy/surprised face and Troye looked at me for a few seconds. He looked confused. What's so confusing about being a protective boyfriend and not wanting to lose him?

"Um Matt, I'm a little confused on why you're happy about this" oh trust me I'm not fucking happy about this at all but I had to come up with a reason fast so I said the first thing I could think of.

"I love saying that you're mine and explaining our relationship to people so that's why I'm happy. I get to tell one more person that you're mine and only mine." That wasn't a lie at all actually. I love him and I know he loves me too.

"Awwe omfg Matt that's so sweet! I love you!" See I knew it.

"I love you too baby"

"Okay so is it okay if he's still apart of our group even though he's a boy?" He asked quietly. I wish I could tell him the truth but that would make me sound WAY too obsessive.

"Yes, of course it is sweetheart. I would do anything for you."

"Thank u babe"

"You're welcome anything for you." I was really smiling now. What did I ever do to deserve him? I kissed him on the forehead.

We sat in silence for a couple of minute then I looked at my watch and it was 11:10 pm. I decided that I wanted to make a wish at 11:11 so when I was 11:11 I wished that my lovely boyfriend would stay in my arms forever.

After I made the wish I announced to Troye what time it is and we got up to go to his bed and went into a peaceful slumber.

A/N: Okay I may hate Mathew (from a different story) but I'm in love with this chapter its all fluffy and cute. So I'm not sure what chapter I should have Troye and Tyler meet. I might do it in the next chapter or the chapter after that I don't know yet. Right now it's 6:40 pm for me and I have written 5 chapters today. GO ME!! Lmao I'll see u in the next chapter byeeee 😂
~Jazzmine 💗

(705 words)

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Instagram: Troylernutella_13
Twitter: Janielisreal_21
Snapchat: pretty_heart12

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