The phone exchange

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Tyler's POV.

I've spent 2 hours looking for my phone. Where The hell is it? I remember having it before Mathew came in. Wait. Fuck Mathew has it. And of course I don't know his fucking number so I have to wait until I go to school tomorrow to fucking get it. I mean it's already midnight so why not just go to sleep.

Time skip to the next morning

My mom woke me up and I got ready for school. When I got to school I went to find Mathew and I literally ran into Troye and this girl I have never met before. Troye had his arm around her shoulder. Are they fucking dating? What the fuck I have sex with his ex one time and he already is in another relationship and with a girl. Wait when did we break up. I don't remember breaking up with him.

"Um sorry Troye. Whose this?"

"My girlfriend." He looked me straight in the eye and the girl nudged him and he whispered something to her.

"This is my girlfriend, Avah. Avah, this is my ex boyfriend Tyler."

"Wait what Troye wh-"

"Tyler is okay, you have Mathew now. You did say you guys were in a relationship. And you also said that you didn't care that you hurt me. You didn't care that you made me cry. You didn't care that I had to get my friends and my girlfriend into this." What the fuck when did I say this. I know I didn't get drunk within these past 2 days.

"Troye, we never broke up and how the fuck did you already find someone within 2 days."

"Tyler we fucking broke up yesterday. You texted me these." He show me the texted "I" sent. When I was about to talk someone came up behind me and poked my back. I groaned.

"Mathew give me back my fucking phone. I swear to god Mathew if you did something." After I said that I saw the text. They were sent last night when I didn't have my phone and Mathew did.

"MATHEW WHAT THE FUCK!!" I yelled at him. He fucking ruined me and Troye's relationship.

"Troye I promise that wasn't me this bitch fucking took my phone last nigh-"

"Last night when we were making out on your bed. Right Tyler?" What the fuck he wasn't supposed to tell anyone.

"Also around the time we made that deal. The deal the we wou-"

"MATHEW!!" I don't fucking want them to know about the affair.

"What I was just gonna tell them about the deal we made."


"No I think I want him to tell me about the deal you guys made." Troye said. I don't want to yell at him too.

"Trust me Troye you do not want to know."

"Actually Tyler I do. Mathew fucking spill it." Oh my god no please no.

"Me and Tyler here thought it would be a good idea to have an affair. While you guys were together whenever he wanted we would have great meaningless sex because you're still a fucking virgin and Tyler is a sex crazed whore."


"Well it's between all 4 of us now."

"Actually 6 of us." The girl I don't know said.

"6 of us?" I questioned.

"Yes including those two. Sarah and Kat." I saw two girls coming our way and they looked angry. I looked back at Troye and he was crying with his face in his hands.

"Troye I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." I tried to hug him but he just shoved me away.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME YOU WHORE!! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!! DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT MY FEELINGS WHEN YPU FUCKING DID THIS!! I DONT WANT TO EVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN TYLER OAKLEY!!" I was hurt. Then i was hurt more when he hugged his girlfriend. I looked back at Mathew he had a smirk on his face. Then those 2 girls from earlier to me by the shirt.

"Troye what can we do to them?" One girl with glasses said.

"I DONT FUCKING CARE HURT THEM IF YOU WANT. HURT THEM JUST LIKE HOW THEY FUCKING HURT ME." Then the two girls dragged me and Mathew the opposite way of the school. Why am I so fucking scared?

A/n: ohhhh drama so the next chapter will be in Sarah/Kats POV. So what did you guys think of Mathew telling him and Tylers secret? Well that's it for now. BYEEE
~Jazzmine 💘

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