Chapter 2

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Steve's Point of View

Steve, Nomis, Alice, Tommy, Drew, Shine, Cyril, Techno, Pixel, Kat, Brayden, Tre, Crystal, Claire, Blue, and Secret walked over to where they kept the Shark 2.0. Everyone just called it the Shark.

The Shark wasn't a Mojang plane like the other one. It was basically a really large hovercraft. It didn't have a ceiling, and the walls were nether brick fences. The side opposite the side with the steering wheel was completely open, so you could fall out that way. The Shark was made of black stained clay, and could fit at least thirty people on it.

There was also a redstone cannon that Techno installed himself on the Shark. It was huge, and shot big blasts of energy that could wipe out a monster in one hit.

Anyway, the sixteen Resistance members boarded the Shark. Brayden got behind the steering wheel, which was next to the cannon. Techno got behind the cannon.

"You know we're not gonna need that," Kat said to Techno. "This is a stealth mission."

Techno shrugged. "Just in case."

"Alright, where am I going?" Brayden asked, lifting the Shark into the air.

"Sector 42," Blue answered. "Weren't you listening to Jean?"

Brayden didn't reply. Instead, he just turned the Shark in the direction of Sector 42, and started flying.

As they flew to Sector 42, Steve stared out at the sky, thinking. Mostly about Ruby.

Steve felt a hand on his back. He turned around. It was Nomis.

"Hey. You okay?" she asked.

Steve did his best to smile. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Tre suddenly coughed, but it sounded like he said something in the middle of his cough. A few people laughed.

"What?" Nomis asked. Steve just rolled his eyes and ignored them.

Techno crouched down and opened the compartment on the redstone cannon. He started fiddling with the inner workings of it.

"So what should we do when we find this girl?" Crystal asked.

"We figure out who she is and where she came from," Drew answered.

"What if she tries to fight us?" Claire asked, looking to Steve.

"Well, we need to subdue her. Try not to hurt her too much if she does that. And definitely don't kill her," Steve explained.

"Darn," Techno said, ripping a piece of redstone wire out of his cannon.

Everyone looked at him.

"You better not kill her," Pixel said. "You've accidentally killed people we weren't supposed to before."

"Hey, that was one time!" Techno replied, standing up to face Pixel. Pixel was blind, so he just stared blankly in the general direction of Techno.

"Yeah, and we lost valuable information for that," Pixel said calmly.

"Stop fighting," Secret cut in with his Russian accent. He got between the two.

"Secret's right," Kat said. "Stop."

Techno glared at Pixel one more time, then crouched back down. He continued working on his cannon.

Steve sighed. The members of the Resistance were fighting with each other a lot lately. He wondered why.

"What's in Sector 42?" Shaina asked, breaking the silence.

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