Chapter 51

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Narrator's Point of View

The mayor of Sector 30's city sat alone in his office, at his desk.

The wall behind him was made entirely out of windows, and it faced out over the entire city. Sector 30 wasn't one of the pretty cities. In fact, it was rather ugly and polluted. It wasn't as bad as Sector 17's city, though.

The mayor was on his Minetablet, watching cute videos of ocelots.

Suddenly, the glass behind him was smashed inwards as a body swung through it.

The mayor scrambled up and turned around.

A guy in a white T-shirt and gray pants stood there. He had shaggy brown hair, a green and black headset, and a diamond sword at his side.

"Wh...what do you want?" the mayor asked.

"Just my thousand emeralds," Deadlox replied.

He stepped forward, and in one swift motion, stabbed the mayor in the stomach.

Deadlox twisted it, and then pulled it out of the mayor's gut. The mayor fell to the ground, unmoving.

The bounty hunter jumped out of the broken window just as security guards burst through the door.


Steve's Point of View

Nomis, Steve, Jay, and Kirai were in the Town Hall with Jean.

Jean was relieved that Steve and the others were okay, but she was sad to find out Blue had died. But, they had to go on.

"So. What's the plan?" Jean asked.

"We have to go talk to Jeb," Steve replied. "He was alive during the Great War and might remember what potion they used to destroy Herobrine."

"Not all of you should go," Jean said. "Herobrine is likely to attack this place soon because you thwarted his plan in the volcano."

"Take one team," Kirai suggested. "Probably C or D. A and B deserve a break after the maze."

"Not D," Nomis spoke up. "They're on Wanted posters everywhere. The bounty hunters have been after them."

"Team C it is, then," Steve said. "Tommy and Alice can stay here, though. I'll take the rest to Jeb."

"We can come with y--" Jay started, but he was interrupted as the door burst open.

Zaryn stumbled in, looking very disoriented. He scanned the building, saw Steve, and ran towards him. He ended up falling halfway there, but got back up and continued to stumble towards them.

When he reached them, he was breathing heavily. He raised a finger like he was about to speak, but continued to gasp for breath.

"What is it?" Steve asked.

"I know...where Herobrine's....lair is," Zaryn gasped between breaths.

"What? Where?" Nomis asked sharply.

Zaryn shook his head, still wheezing. "I can't exactly tell you. I'd have to show you."

Nomis narrowed her eyes and was about to speak, but Jay cut her off.

"Well, let's get the Resistance and go. We have to save Manga."

Zaryn shook his head again. "I can't take more than two people if this is just a rescue mission. Herobrine will definitely spot us if there's more."

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