Chapter 72

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Sector 17

Secret's Point of View (Geekmaster1001)

The giant Zombie continued to lumber towards Secret and Pixel. Luckily, there were no people around.

"Okay Pixel, I'm gonna need you to--Pixel?"

Secret looked at Pixel, who was on his knees. He was holding his head in his hands and was shaking violently.

"Pixel! What's wrong?!" Secret ran over to him and tried to help him up.

The blind Resistance member just started to shake even more violently, and he fell to the ground. Secret didn't know what to do, but there was a giant Zombie that needed to be stopped. He turned away from Pixel and started rummaging through his bag.

"Maybe if I just throw a bunch of healing potions at it, it will die," Secret muttered to himself. He found a few healing potions in his bag and charged towards the giant.


Sector 18

Audrey's Point of View (The_Server_Girl_111)

Matster and Hero were gazing at the giant Zombie lumbering towards them. Audrey popped in between them, putting an arm around each.

"Alright guys! Let's go kill us a giant!" she exclaimed cheerfully. Audrey thought she heard Matster sigh, but she wasn't sure.

Sector 18 was a beautiful city. It had a giant glass dome in the center of it, where gorgeous flowers and other flora grew. One could stand on the outside of it to observe the vegetation.

Or one could break inside to escape a giant Zombie, apparently.

Dozens of citizens were cowering inside the glass dome, fearfully watching the giant approach. Audrey saw a large hole on the side of the dome. That must have been how they got in. Instead of running, the citizens just stayed in there.

"We need to get those people out of the dome," Matster said. "Audrey, why don't you go do that? Hero and I will handle the giant."

"Yes sir!" Audrey exclaimed. She ran in the direction of the dome.

When she reached it, she ran inside using the hole they had made. "You all need to get out of here! Run! Go that way!" She pointed in the direction of the hole, which was away from the giant.

The citizens didn't move. They looked at her with a sort of animal curiosity.

"That glass is not gonna protect you from a giant Zombie's foot!" Audrey yelled, starting to feel woozy from all the yelling. "If you stay here, you will all die!"

The people continued to just stare at her.

"Fine!" Audrey yelled. "If you're gonna die anyway, I'll just kill you all first!" She whipped out her enchanted diamond sword, which seemed heavier than normal for some reason.

A few people flinched, but none ran away.

Audrey lowered her sword. "What is wrong with you people?" She started to sway. "What is...wrong"

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