Chapter 10

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Kirai's Point of View

Jean gasped in horror when they told her that Manga had been captured.

"I didn't think Yuri was like this..." Jean muttered. "But clearly, he's working for someone else now."

"Azoth did say something about a master," Jay pointed out. "But who could their master be?"

"I really hope it isn't Herobrine," Kirai replied.

"If it is, then we need to send everyone we have to save Manga," Jean said. "I'll stay here and watch over Creektown while you're gone."

"Jean, it isn't safe for you here," Jay replied. "You need to go back to Mojang in Sector 1."

"Whoever those people were clearly aren't out to get me," Jean said. "Fine. Leave a few people here, and the rest of you go save Manga."

"First of all, we need to wait for Steve and the others to get back from Sector 42," Kirai cut in. "They should've been back by now. Unless whoever this girl is fought back."

"They'll be back," Jay replied. "But I agree. We need to wait for them. Steve will know what to do."

Jean thought about it. "Fine," she finally said. "But I'm staying here."

Jay shrugged. "Fine with us. You can stay in Manga's house for now. It's to the right of the watchtower."

Jean nodded. "Thank you."

Kirai and Jay left the Town Hall. They stood together outside.

"I feel like something bad is going to happen, Jay," Kirai said worriedly.

Jay put his arms around her. Kirai loved it when he did that. "It'll be okay," he replied. "I'll protect you."

They stood there for a few minutes before finally separating and going to bed.


Brayden's Point of View (SirWattOfPad)

The full moon was high in the sky. Steve, Nomis, Tommy, Alice, Tre, Crystal, Techno, Brayden, Claire, Kat, Cyril, Shania, Secret, Blue, Drew, Pixel, and Zaryn were all near the Shark, which had crashed on a hill in the plains twenty blocks from Geph. Crystal had tied a temporary splint on Drew's ankle, which had been twisted in the crash.

Techno and Brayden had suspended the Shark on two pillars of cobble they had built. They were now underneath it and trying to fix it.

"That doesn't go there, it goes there!" Techno exclaimed, pointing to different places in the inner workings of the Shark.

"Sorry," Brayden replied. He moved the iron piece he was holding to where Techno was pointing.

"You guys need any help?" Cyril asked, popping her head in under the Shark.

Brayden opened his mouth to respond, but Techno beat him to it.

"No, we're fine," Tech answered.

Cyril nodded, and went back to wherever she was earlier.

Techno sighed in exasperation as Brayden placed another piece in the wrong place. "You're useless. Just let me do this."

"Ya know, we wouldn't have to fix this if you hadn't shot them," Brayden retorted.

"Steve told me to shoot them!" Techno replied.

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