Chapter 16

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Steve's Point of View

Steve sat up slowly, rubbing his head. He had gone down with the Shark, but managed to jump off it before it hit the ground.

Steve took in his surroundings. He was atop of a bunch of leaves that were on the ground. He wasn't too hurt.

Everyone else was scattered around the general area. They were all either still laying down or sitting up. Steve did a quick headcount, and counted all sixteen of them. No one seemed to be badly injured.

The Shark had crashed into a tree. It was dented and smashed and smoking. Techno was kneeling beside it sadly. There would be no fixing the Shark, unless they had all their advanced equipment. But, that was all back at Creektown.

Kirai was the closest to Steve. She was just sitting up as well, on the ground by the leaves. She rubbed her back, wincing.

"You okay?" Steve asked.

Kirai looked at him. "I'm fine. But we don't have anything to transport us anymore. We won't be fine for long."

"We have our legs to transport us," Steve pointed out.

"I think we should go back. It's not safe out here," Kirai replied.

"Let's talk to everyone else first," Steve said. He stood up on the pile of leaves. "Everyone! Over here!"

Everyone made their way over so they were at least within earshot of Steve. Except for Techno, who stayed by the Shark.

"First off, is everyone okay?" Steve asked everyone. "Any major injuries?"

Everyone seemed to be fine. The worst injury Steve saw was a bump on K.G's head. But he didn't complain about it.

"Alright, good. Now, we need to know if you guys want to continue exploring, or go back to Creektown," Steve said.

Immediately, everyone started talking at once. Some wanted to continue, some wanted to go back. Steve tried to keep talking several times, but the chatter continued.

Finally, Jay jumped up next to Steve. "QUIET!" he yelled. Everyone quieted down.

"Okay. So we don't know what's out here, that's true. And it could be dangerous. But, if we go back now, then we won't have found anything. And then we'll have to wait a few days while Techno fixes the Shark, and by then, Manga could be dead. We're gonna do a vote," Steve explained. He stopped for a few seconds for everyone to think.

"Okay. If you want to go back, raise your hand," Steve said.

Kirai, Cyril, Shine, Drew, Brayden, Mimi, and Techno raised their hands.

"If you want to keep going, raise your hand," Steve said.

Jay, Kat, Diamond, K.G, Fire, Hero, Hayden, Zaryn, and Steve raised their hands.

"Well, the votes are 7 to 9. Guess we're gonna keep exploring," Steve said.

A few people groaned. "This is a bad idea," Kirai said.

Steve looked up at the sky. The sun was on its way down, but they still had plenty of time until night.

"Okay, we'll continue on until night time. Then, we'll make a camp for the night," Steve said.

"We're not just gonna leave the Shark here, are we?" Techno spoke up from the back.

"What else can we do with it?" Jay asked. "We're not gonna drag it along with us."

"Why not?" Techno asked. "We can't just leave it here, we'll never find it again."

"Yes we will," Steve said. "On our way back, we'll stop here."

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