Author's Final Note

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It's finally over.

It took exactly two years.

But it's finally finished.

Honestly, I liked AMS's plot better. But I think my writing was better for TFOM. If I only I could do both good plot and good writing at the same time.

Humongous thanks to everyone who stuck with me for the whole two years. Especially those who have characters in this book, including: Rocknrebel44, Mi_shroom, StepsInTheMoonlight, -The_Blue-Droid_, SirWattOfPad, HeroinePines, AzteriaZone09,, Choco_Gurl_19, and T_I_Official.

Huge thanks to everyone who's been voting and commenting the whole way. I definitely notice and recognize all you big commenters and even voters out there.

Big thanks to the others who have a character in this book, even if they didn't start/finish reading it. These people are: AwesomenessX10000000, DragonRoar773, iSunset, akshat12345, Geekmaster1001, Jhonnaweirdmind, legit_aaron, MangoPopato, natsuDiamond, Ninja_XxXxX, pandapus, StoryLane, CremePuffs101, Drew32u, firestorm130, Karimkilzar, glitch_effect, The_Server_Girl_111, unknownprotecter129, boog150, DarkCreeper37, Enderspi, dun_with_ukulele, and ThomasPaul61.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who's been reading this book without voting, commenting, or following. I know you're out there. 👀

Now, what you've all probably been waiting for. The future of my account.

I admit, I had full intentions to make a sequel to this book. I even said in a few interviews that there was going to be a sequel to TFOM. I was gonna take characters again, too (but less).

But I'm not doing that anymore.

There will not be a sequel to this book.

That means the "Minecraft Story" series ends here.

There may be some more short stories later on in "Radish Stories" related to this series, but other than that, I'm done.

It's been 3 years. Im tired. I'm already over halfway through high school, and I don't plan on writing on Wattpad when I'm in college.

I am terribly sorry, but I will not be taking characters for any more books that I write. I know some of you have been waiting patiently, some even for two years, but I just can't write any more books.

I'm sorry.

As for the future of my account, here's what you can look out for, if you're interested.

"Victors" will be released soon, which is a book starring the five champions of my Kik Competitions. It will be another action story, although it's set in a different universe from the "Minecraft Story" series. Check out the last part of "Radish's Kik Comps" for more information about it.

The "Total Drama Minecraft" series, which I'm sure many of you know about and many of you refuse to read, is still going. Hopefully it will be finished up soon. I suggest checking it out if you want more of my writing.

Possibly some more short stories will be released in "Radish Stories", but I'm not sure.

Another thing to look out for that doesn't involve me writing: the Radish Contests. I just thought of that name now, but it sounds cool.

These will be writing contests in which I publish a writing prompt (probably related to TFOM), and everyone will have a month or so to write a short story about the prompt. Winner will get a follow and a shoutout.

I'm not sure when I'll begin these contests, but keep this book in your library, because I'll post an update on them here.

So yeah. That's all for this series. It's been a hell of a ride, but one I wouldn't exchange for anything.

I'm sure this is where I'll be losing many of my readers. Farewell to everyone not interested in the writing contests or my other books. Thanks for sticking around until now.

And farewell (for now) to everyone who plans on returning for my contests or other books. Thanks for sticking by me.

To everyone: I say this once again, for the last time in this book.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!


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