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MovesLikeJaeger21: Jaeger: *blushes* IdareDarkPittokissme!

Pittoo: *facedesk* OhmyfrickingViridihowmanygirlshaveIkissedinthisbookwhenIalreadyhavesomeone?!

Pit: haha

Palutena: oh... poor little Pittoo...

Pittoo: SHUDDUP!!!

Jaeger: I'm here!

Pittoo: *facedesk again* motherfffffnothing...

Author: he's just not in the mood. The poor old thing his lips are worn out.

Pittoo: *stands up* NO THEY'RE NOT!

Author: if men had the period, Pittoo would be having his.

Viridi: never better said.

Pittoo: alright you ready?

Jaeger: *smiles brightly and nods head quickly* YESYESYESYESYES!!!!!

Pittoo: *kisses her full on the lips* *blush*

Jaeger: *blushes madly*

Author: *pops a party poper*

Pittoo: *pulls away* THATS IT IM DONE. *grabs Authors hand and walks to the door*

Author: Whaaaa! Dude what the hell?!

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