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LucinaLowell: I have dare though...Palutena has to kiss pit on the cheek then slap him while Pittoo records it and shares it with Hades while Pit just stays embarrassed lol

Pittoo: Yes! Embarrassing Pit!

Pit: WHAT?

Palutena: Hey Pit!

Pit: Here's the dare... *shows the dare*

Palutena: *reads the dare* oh boy...

Pittoo: get on with it! *starts recording*

Palutena: *leans over and kisses Pit*

Pit: u-uh *blushes lightly*

Palutena: It was a dare. *slaps him*

Pit: OW! That hurt!

Pittoo: *stops recording* okay! Now send to Hades-

Pit: WHAT!?


Hades: *laughs really hard...falls off chair*


Pittoo: KARMA!

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