the moment- Chapter 15

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Matt's POV 

This is a good day. This is an exciting day! I was ready even though I'm very nervous. I felt like a kid waiting for his first kiss. I was ready for this. A lot of good is going to come. I can only expect the best! I woke up in bed, and looked over at her. I saw her sleeping there, still fast asleep. I just stared at her face and memorized it. I thought " wow... the next time were in this bed... Gabby will  be my Fiancée!" This was hitting me harder. This is so much. 

She woke up and looked over at me. I smiled " morning... beautiful!" She laughed " your watching me..sleep!" I laughed as she stared into my eyes " no... maybe!" We enjoyed the quiet. This is just so nice, and different for us. Gabby kissed me "i'm gonna go shower.." I nodded " ok... get ready for some dinner.." She laughed " what do you have planned..?" I laughed " you'll find out.." 

She showered and this gave me time to figure out everything. I got everything ready. The picture was coming clear to me. This was real for me. I set the table up with candles in the center. I was ready. Gabby came out of the bedroom. She smiled, and I looked at her up and down. She was wearing her red dress. Then and there I knew this girl was going to be my wife. This brought back so many  memories for me. I remembered our first kiss, the first time we met, and when we spilled our relationship to all of friends. This made perfect sense. She smiled " what is this..." I grabbed her hand, and led her to the table " something for us." She sat down as I pushed her chair in " this is nice!" I smiled " I love you!" She smiled " I... I love you too Matt!!" I looked at her and knew that this is the moment. It is time! I looked into Gabby's eyes, and held her hands " I've loved you for a very long time... even before we were... together. It's always been us! You've always been there.. and I love that. Your so strong and you've done so much. It makes me very proud... and I wanted to feel like that everyday... It's all I want..." I stood up, and got onto one knee "... so... Gabriela Dawson... will you marry me?!" She smiled and laughed " Yes!!! yes, of course!!!" I stood up, held her close, and kissed her. We are the happiest! 

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