feel so empty- chapter 158

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4 weeks later

It has been hard for us. We lost a baby, but we still have our other sweet little boy. I know we should count our blessings and take everything as it is. We should be thankful for everything we have and we are. It's still hard and something that is unexplainable. I can't explain the pain I feel, and how hard it is bringing home 1 baby instead of 2. Something in our life is just so empty. It feels so empty. There should be more and I feel like this all just a dream. This is one of those dreams where it feels real, but when you wake up it's another day. You move on and get on with your day. That day was the best and hardest of my life. 

These weeks of our lives have been hard. I've been distant with Matt and our kids. I feel so bad, but this is a pain I just can't shake. People from the hospital come by and from the firehouse, but I just can't talk to anyone. Nobody gets it like I do going through all this. Matt kissed my head        " did you sleep good.." I nodded " alright.." Matt looked at me " i'm going to go get the kids... and we can do whatever today. whatever you want baby.." I looked at him " you know what would really make me feel better... what would really help..." Matt sat on the edge of the bed "what's that...?" I looked at him " if we could get Ollie's things in the nursery all cleared out.." Matt looked at me " you sure...?" I nodded " yeah... i just want to get the nursery cleaned up..." 

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