Something special- Chapter 119

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We were nervously excited to get out of the door. Matt is coming back to work in a couple shifts. We will be back to the usual schedule. Our lives will be shifting back to normal everyday lives. It's nice having Matt home with Mia, but we need to get back to work. I need to get back into the swing of thing too. I need to get back to the ER. It's gonna be nice to have some structure back in our lives. First it's time to tell everyone about the babies. I'm so excited. 

We got in the car and we were just 10 minutes away from telling everyone. Our secret would be out. We got to the house and everyone was still here. They weren't on a call right now. This was all a good sign. Matt got Mia out of the car. Matt smiled " ok baby girl time to say hi to everyone!" I looked at Matt , hesitant " were ready for this..." He grasped my hand, and squeezed it tight " Were ready for this!" We walked in the house all smiles. I smiled " hey everyone!" Hermann looked at us and yelled " hey what are you guys doing here!!?" I laughed " can't we visit?" He laughed " sure..." Matt looked at me " well this is more than a visit. Gabby and I have something to tell you all!" Everyone was around and ready. Otis looked at us " what?" I smiled " well Matt's coming back here next shift... and we've been keeping a secret since the accident..." Cruz looked at me " what is it..?" I laughed " ok..ok... well i'm pregnant and I'm having twins!" They all yelled and laughed through excitement. Shay laughed " so happy everyone knows!" Otis looked at her " you knew??" Shay laughed all proud " of course I knew!" I laughed " well she was there for the first ultrasound when I... I... when I found out!" Hermann hugged me " I see it... how did I not see it before.." I laughed " well we've been pretty safe I guess..." 

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