coming back- Chapter 84

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Matt's pov

I went to shift. It's always been hard leaving Gabby at home with Mia. I know she can take care of her. Of course she can take care of her. she's a great mom! She's the best mom in my eyes, and in my daughters eyes. She's an amazing, strong women. I love her so much. I just miss her and just want to be there. I never want to miss anything. My daughter could walk and talk when i'm not there. I know she's not yet, but she could in the next 6 months. I do my work because I love it. It's something I've always loved and the people we help. It's almost the greatest thing. it's the greatest thing next to being a father. 

Ambulance 61 and truck 81 were called to med. We did what we had to do and everything was okay. We got ready to leave. I heard my name from the distant. Goodwin said " lieutenant.." I turned around to see her standing behind me. I gave her a friendly smile " yeah..." She looked at me " sorry.... but can I ask you something.." I mumbled " ya huh..." She looked at me " so... when is Gabby coming back? ... I hate to be demanding but I just was wondering if she has said anything..." I looked at her " um... she hasn't said anything..." She looked at me " could you.... well ask her what her plans are...." I nodded       " sure... i'm sure she will be back soon!" 

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