Day 2

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Lily's POV

Today I just walked straight into school.

Asia: Hey Lily!

Lily: Hey Asia.

Asia: You remember Courtney, Lacey, Riley, Amy and Macy from lunch yesterday right?

Lily: Yeah.

Asia: You should come get changed for gym with us.

Courtney: Yeah we'll just grab our stuff from our lockers and come back and meet you here.

Drew: Oh can I get changed with you guys too?

Asia: Oh I see you haven't stopped being the total perv you were last year which is weird because we were twelve.

Drew: Asia we're not a thing any more you don't control what I do.

Asia: We never were.

Drew: Whatever I'm out.

Drew finally leaves his locker.

Lily: You and Drew dated?

Lacey: For a month.

Asia: Worst month, 2 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 22 minutes and 16 seconds of my life.

Riley: I still can't believe you counted that.

Asia: Girl you know how efficient I am anyway you guys go get your stuff bell goes any minute.

The girls leave leaving Asia and I on our own.

Asia: So the girls and I are hittin' the mall after school today, you wanna come?

Lily: I'd love to but I can't we get English homework today a d I have to help Jojo with his he's really bad at that.

Asia: Speaking of Jojo what's he like?

Lily: Well he's really sweet like last summer he wanted to make our first date special so he broke into a yacht.

Asia: Oh my God did you two get arrested?

Lily: No it was my yacht.

Asia: You have a yacht?

Lily: Three one here two in England I should invite you over one day.

Asia: Wow that sounds amazing.

Lily: It is I should invite you to come stay with me when I go back to England.

Asia: That would be amazing oh look the girls are back let's go get changed.

After School

Jojo's House

Jacob and I are at Jojo's house, I'm doing homework I don't really know what Jacob, 'Lasha, CJ and Bri are doing we hope it's studying.

Jojo: So the nurse isn't really a nurse she just takes care of Juliet?

Lily: Yeah.

Jojo: So tell me why Romeo and Juliet aren't allowed to see each other again.

Lily: Their families hate each other so they have to date in secret.

Jojo: So how does that work out for them?

Lily: They die.

Jojo: Oh.

Lily: Well to go into detail because Juliet's parents didn't know she was dating they got her to marry a guy named Paris-

Jojo: France or Texas?

Lily: Jojo! Anyway she didn't want to so she swallowed a potion that made her seem dead and her parents buried her in the family vault. Romeo then went to rescue her from the vault but she was still asleep and he thought she was dead so poisoned himself and when she woke up she saw Romeo's body and stabbed herself.

Jojo: Dang.

Lily: Really Jojo I practically wrote your essay for you and all you can say is dang. Did you even write any of that down?

Jojo: No but come on Lily where's that fun girl I met in the summer who didn't seem to care about anything.

Lily: She's still here but just becomes focused when she needs to.

Jojo: Does she want a kiss?

Lily: I don't know.

He stared at my lips while biting his own and then grabbed my waist bringing me closer to him. Just as he was about to lean in there was a knock at the door.

Jacob: Lilypad, Jojo can we come in?

We quickly sprung back to where we were sitting and grabbed our books.

Jojo: Yeah sure.

CJ: So were you guys even studying?

Jojo: Yeah what else would we be doing?

Bri: I know one thing.

Jacob: I hope it's not that, so what were you guys doing?

Lily: I was helping Jojo with his essay.

CJ: So you were working hard then?


'Lasha: Boy your copy of Romeo and Juliet is upside down.

Jojo: Well we were working but we decided to take a little break.

Jacob: Oh really.

Lily: Jacob he's telling the truth.

Jacob: I believe you and I also remember what it was like to be your age.

CJ: They're not anything like we were.

Bri: Yeah at their age all they do is hug and kiss.

'Lasha: That's all Jacob and I do know.

Jacob: Oh so you don't like how we are now?

'Lasha: Noo I want more than that.

Jacob: Then why didn't you say so?

'Lasha: I didn't think I needed to, I thought my baby knew me well enough to work it out from my body language.

CJ: Whatever it is take it outside, wrap it up, stay safe and don't do it round us.


Author's Note

Hey guys! How do you think the story's going so far? Anyway I was wondering if you think Lily should join the cheerleading squad or not. And if you want you can fill out a personality sheet in the comment box below and you could audition to be either Ray or Chresanto's (Roc's) girlfriend just let me know.

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