Making Things Right

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                                                         Lily's POV

We've been back from Switzerland for almost two months now and within those two months Chres and I broke up. We both didn't like the person I was turning into and he saw me more as a little sister rather than a love interest. Lele took him back because they both knew she made him a better person and Jacob and Chres are slowly but surely building their relationship back up. Chres comes over sometimes to be with Jacob but we're still good friends too, Jacob isn't really sure on how he feels about us even talking. At the moment it seems I am only talking to Jacob, my parents in England, Carlos, Theresa and the cheerleaders. Drew found someone knew who seems to be everything he wants in a girl. So my life at school has literally just been lessons and cheer I still se Jojo, occasionally like around school in lessons and at lunch. He's kind of become a recluse since Akin and Akari both got girlfriends so are always too busy to be with him. I want to get back together with him but I don't know what to say or do. Sometimes I'd catch his eye in biology and he'd stare back for a while then turn away like he can't stand to look at me. I don't blame him to be honest, I was his girlfriend and  his bestfriend. Don't get me wrong I've tried to call him but he doesn't pick up and today I really want to make peace with him. So I'm actually physically going to walk over to his house and apologise in person.

I run past Jacob in the living room.

Jacob: Where are you going?

Lily: Out.

                                                       Jojo's House

I ring the doorbell and CJ answers the door.

CJ: Oh it's you, I thought you were Bri. Look if you're here to break my brother's heart there's nothing left to break, he has no friends and just sits in his room all day.

Lily: I'm not here to break his heart I'm here to apologise.

CJ: For what?

Lily: Everything, I made a lot of bad choices lately and in the process of making those choices I hurt a lot of people and all I want to do is make it right and fix my mess.

CJ: Come in, you know where his bedroom is.

I make my way upstairs.

CJ: And Lily?

Lily: Yes?

CJ: Nobody actually thinks any of this is your fault, Chres is to blame.

Lily: He really isn't,

I carried on walking upstairs and found Jojo's door, I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before coming in.

Lily: Hey.

I sat on his bed.

Jojo: Hey.

Lily: I know that I'm the last person you want to see...

Jojo: Actually the last person I want to see is Akin, then Akari and then their girlfriends.

Lily: Look I messed up really badly and I hurt you and I genuinely am sorry...

Jojo: I'm sorry that I was such a douche to you, I never deserved you in the first place.

Lily: You did and you still do.

Jojo: One thing I don't get about you is that you could have any guy in our school and Jacob and CJ's school and out of all of them you choose me.

.Lily: Because you're sweet and you're funny and when you want to be you're down to earth.

Jojo: I hurt you..

Lily: But I hurt you first and I want you back. Can we please start over?

Jojo: Sure.

Lily: Hi my name is Lily.

I stretched my hand out and he shook it;

Jojo: Hi Lily my name is Jojo and I just wanted to say, I think you're beautiful.

Lily: Well Jojo I hope you think I'm not being to forward but I think you're so hot.

We both leaned in to kiss.

Team Lily and Jojo?

Team Chres and Jojo?

I'm doing a little competition where you can design Lily's bridesmaid outfit but you have to use polyvore then just put the link in the comment section and I'll use the winning outfit for the wedding chapter.

More Jacob and Lily scenes?

More cheering? 

Tell me in the comment boxes what kind of chapters you want to see but it doesn't have to be the one's I just listed.

If you have any great ideas for the story just message me and I'll try to use them.

If you want you can also design some normal outfits for Lily or any of the other characters and I'll try to use them (again use polyvore)

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