Welcome To Hawaii

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                                                        Lily's POV

I was sitting in my hotel room alone watching TV. Jacob went out to town with Juan but I don't know where they were going in another state at 5pm. I was still wearing Javi's hoodie but had showered and changed since our flight.

I'm just obsessed with this hoodie it's like a permanent hug from him, the inside of the hoodie was lined with fleece which made it warm and I could smell his body spray on it.

I heard a knock at the door so I get up and looked through the peephole. It was Javi, I opened the door.

Javi: Still wearing my hoodie?

Lily: Yeah I love it.

Javi: Aren't you hot in that thing?

Lily: No.

It didn't occour to me until now that I had been sitting in an air conditioned room wearing the warmest hoodie in the world.

Javi: So my Mom gave me some money and there's this place on the beach we could walk to and I don't really wanna eat here. So should we go?

Lily: Oh yeah just hold on.

I grabbed my phone and some money off of the coffee table and put it into the pockets of my white shorts.

Lily: Ok let's go.

Javi and I linked arms and left the hotel room. We crossed the street and followed the signs to the beach where Javi said the restaurant was.

Javi: So Juan was talking about us all going down to the beach tomorrow while my Mom is in her meeting.

Lily: We should.

I yawned and covered my mouth with the sleeve of Javi's hoodie.

Javi: You still tired?

Lily: Yeah.

Javi: The flight was like two and a half hours though.

Lily: The flight could've been half an hour with a 2 second time difference my jet lag would still be unreal. You should see me on a flight to London.

Javi: So you fly a lot on your own huh?

Lily: Yeah you get used to it and I like planes so I don't really mind.

Javi: My Mom's job makes us travel so much I hate planes, especially when they serve you food. What is it with that stale ass bread and the water in the pots and they always serving chicken. 

Lily: I just love the in flight entertainment.

Javi: But every time the captain wanna make an announcement they pause your TV.

After we ate we walked along the beach together. Javi had this white button down shirt on, he looked so cute in button down shirts and he rolled up his jeans a little so the bottoms didn't get wet.

Javi: Will you get mad if I push you in the water?

Lily: A little because I'd be wet but I'm wearing your hoodie and that'll be wet too.

Javi: I'm not gonna push you.

Lily: You better not.

He picked me up by the waist and spun me round, he lost his footing and we both fell to the ground and burst out laughing.

Javi: You ok?

Lily: Of course I'm ok I'm with you.

Javi: Aww you flatter me.

He leans over and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

Lily: Did Juan tell you where he and Jacob went?

Javi: No but I don't care what Juan does as long as it don't affect me.

Lily: So when we get to highschool are you gonna try out for basketball?

Javi: Well yeah if I don't you won't have anything to cheer on.

Lily: But I was a cheerleader before I met you.

I tapped his nose.

Javi: I know but with me there's more to cheer for.

He made me face him so we looked each other in the eyes then he looked away getting distracted by something.

Javi: Lily look.

He pointed towards the sun which was just going down.

Javi: Pretty right?

Lily: Very pretty.

He puts his arm around me.

Javi: Kiss me.

Lily: What?

Javi: Kiss me as the sun goes down.

Lily: Why?

Javi: It'll be romantic and shit come on, you know you want to.

He uses his finger to turn my cheek towards him then pecks my lips, there weren't many people on the beach and most of them were couples anyway so they were doing the same thing we were doing. 

We watch the sun finish going down.

Javi: We should get going, it's almost dark.

                                        Hotel room

Javi walked me back to my room and we said our goodbyes. I pulled the keycard out of my pocket and opened my door to find Jacob watching tv.

Jacob: Where were you?

Lily: Where were you?

Jacob: I asked you first.

Lily: Javi and I went out to eat.

He got up and hugged me.

Jacob: Don't scare me like that ever again. Next time leave a note.

Lily: Where did you go?

Jacob: Juan and I stopped for doughnuts.

Lily: Where did you really go?

Jacob: No look.

He opened a cupboard and handed me a box full of half a dozen doughnuts.

Jacob: I saved you some.

I went to open the box but he smacked my hand away.

Lily: Hey you said they were mine!

Jacob: You can't have them now you're going to bed soon.

Lily: Jacob we're on vacation stop the baby sitting shit.

Jacob: No curse words you're gonna be tired tomorrow.

Lily: No I won't.

Jacob: Come here. 

I sat on the sofa with him and we watched Scary Movie. I fell asleep watching it because I actually was tired.

So what did you think?

What do you want to happen in Hawaii?

Do you guys still like Lily and Javi?

If you have any suggestions for chapters that you'd like to see comment them below and I'll try to use them.

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