Sneaking In

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                                                      Lily's POV

Lily: But babe seriously, I need to get home.

Chres: Ok you got your keys?

Lily: Yeah but what do I tell Jacob when I get back?

Chres: Tell him you stayed at one of your friend's houses.

Lily: He's not going to believe that and if he did he'd get angry that I didn't leave a note.

Ches: Just try and if he don't believe you just tell him to hop off your case. But don't tell him to hop off your case say it in a way you'd say it.

Lily: I will then.

The car ride was fun, we messed around and told jokes. But judging by the amount of alcohol we had it probably wasn't a good idea for Chres to be driving but I let him drive anyway. I was starting to get used to the fact that not only was I dating an older boy, but I was dating an older boy who was one of my brother's best friend. I have to admit that if I wasn't drunk I would've felt really stupid grinding I mean Jojo wouldn't even let me do something that stupid. But I'm not dating Jojo right now, I'm dating Chres and he liked it.

Chres: Here you go, home sweet home.

Lily: Thanks Chres I had fun.

Chres: I had fun too Lily, maybe we should do it again some other time.

Lily: Yeah we should.

He stared at me for a while before giving me a peck on the lips. But I wasn't just leaving with a peck, I kissed him again and begged for entrance. He left me begging for so long I almost pulled away but he finally gave me what I wanted and just as he was getting into it I pulled out.

Lily: Bye.

I smirked at him as he drove off.

As soon as I got home I got changed into my pyjamas and fell asleep on the couch.

                                                        Jacob's POV

                                                  Jacob's School

'Lasha: And she didn't come home last night?

Jacob: No.

Ray: Do you know where she is?

CJ: Ray if he knew where she was we wouldn't be having this problem.

Ray: Oh yeah.

Lele: You know who didn't come in today? Chres. Not that I care or anything.

Ray: You don't think that they both-

Jacob: No, definatley not, she wouldn't would she?

There were murmursof no.

'Lasha: Well school is over now and maybe she slept over at a friends?

Jacob: She would have left a note.

'Lasha: Where were your mom and Carlos?

Jacob: I don't even know everyone just abandoned me. I had to order pizza because I can't cook for shit.

'Lasha: Poor baby.

Jacob: Anyway I'll catch y'all later, I need to go home and look for my baby sis.

After my goodbyes I drove home to find Lily passed out on the couch. I gently shook her.

Jacob: Lilypad...

Lily: Fuck off..

Jacob: Excuse me? Oh hell naw.

She never curses like that, I marched into the kitchen and brought back two pans. I banged them together.


Lily: Oh my god Jacob please stop I have the worst headache.

Swearing? Headache? Now I know my sister is not hungover.

Jacob: Tell me where you were last night.

Lily: Asia's house.

Jacob: You couldn't leave a note or anything?

Lily: Sorry.

Jacob: What is that smell? Lily have you been drinking?

Lily: No.

Jacob: Lily look at me and tell me you have not been drinking.

Lily: Maybe I have a little.

I gave her a slap across the face.

Lily: Ow you bastard!

Jacob: You're drunk.

She giggled a bit.

Lily: No I'm not.

Jacob: Asia woud not just invite you round and start drinking. Where were you?

Lily: She was having a party.

Jacob: Where did you sleep? At her house?

Lily: Yeah.

Jacob: I cannot believe you got drunk, you were the last kid I'd expect to get drunk. 

Lily: It wasn't like how you think it was though, it was like. Well Chres.

Jacob: Chres?

Lily: No not Chres.

Jacob: Lily where did you sleep last night? And I want the truth.

Lily: Chres' place.

Jacob: Chres' place? In what room?

Lily: His.

Another slap.

Lily: OW!

Jacob: Why?

Lily: We went on a date.

Lily began to cry, it might have been the slaps but I think it was mainly the alcohol.I scooped her up and carried her to her room.  I was going to tuck her into her bed but she threw up in that so I tucked her into mine.

Jacob: Ok I'm going to change your bed sheets do not move from this bed. Later on we'll call Daddy.

Lily: I don't want to call Daddy.

She began to cry harder.

Jacob: Shhh just go to sleep.

Se quietened down almost immediatley. I went to change her bed sheets, it made me so angry. My sister slept in Chres' bed and I bet they were both drunk. He could have taken advantage of her, it was disgusting. I picked up her phone from her bedside table, she won't be using this for a while.

Was Jacob right to slap Lily? Did she deserve it? Is Jacob a good brother? What would the others think? Chres and Lily or Chres and Jojo? What's her dad gonna say? What's Jacob's mom and Carlos gonna say/ do? New Lily or old Lily? Was the grinding bit in the last chappy cute or no? What would you say/ do to Lily?

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