Valentine's Day Special

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                                                             'Lasha's POV

My baby is so romantic, he borrowed his father's yacht to take me out for Valentine's day with a candle light dinner and rose petals. 

'Lasha: Jacob, you are so sweet for doing this for me.

Jacob: I'm glad you came.

'Lasha: I love surprises and when my baby tells me he wants to take me somewhere I'll be there.

Jacob: That's great, because in one week's time we'll be together for the last time in a while.

'Lasha: Jacob, what are you talking about?

Jacob: My mom's making me go to that intense rehab- counselling thing.

'Lasha: Jacob again! What did you do?

Jacob: Nothing.

'Lasha: Jacob, what did you do? 

Jacob: Nothing!

'Lasha: Your Mom wouldn't make you go unless you did something bad, Jacob I'm going to ask you again, what did you do?

Jacob: I got you something for Valentine's-

'Lasha: Jacob!

Jacob: You're eyes are as-

'Lasha: Jacob!

Jacob: I pushed Lily out in the rain.

'Lasha: Why?

Jacob: I failed my biology test that I worked so hard for, then I forgot my math homework so got a detention. But then I heard CJ say that Lily and Jojo were back together and there was my chance, there was a chance to channel my anger. So I got home and my plan was to shout at her a little but I kind of lost it and just locked her out. I was only gonna leave her there for like, 2 seconds but I-

'Lasha: You forgot your own sister?

Jacob: No I got distracted.

'Lasha: You listen to me Jacob Perez, if you want to stay with me you are going to that rehabilitation center. If you're doing that to your sister what will you be doing to our kids?

                                                        Marie's POV

This is perfect, Ray got  reservations at Le Chautau De Passion for us. But I had a big surprise for him. 

Ray: Isn't this great?

Marie: I know, how long a go did you have to book this?

Ray: Last month actually.

Marie: You're so sweet.

I leaned over the table to give him a huge kiss, but then I pulled back.

Ray: What's wrong?

Marie: I have to give you something. 

I slipped him a box over the table. Slowly, he opened it but he looked a little confused, the only thing I could do is sit there with a cheesy smile on my face.

Ray: Marie what is this?

Marie: How clear do I have to make this-

Ray: I don't know what this is, is it a thermometer or a-

Marie: I'm pregnant, my first ultrasound is next week come if you want.

I threw my napkin onto the table, and walked as fast as my six inch heels would take me. Just as I got to the door, another hand reached the door handle before mine did. 

Ray: Of course I'm gonna go this is great news, I'm gonna be a daddy! I'M GONNA BE A DADDY!

The whole restaurant was staring at us.

Ray: Sorry, I'm just so excited. This is great news, I'm having a baby girl.

Marie: Or boy.

Ray: Hopefully a girl.

                                                         Lily's POV

Jojo is so sweet, turned his living room into a home theatre so we could watch all our favourite movies. 

Jojo: I'm so glad we're back together.

Lily: I am too.

Jojo: You know you complete me.

LIly: You're so sweet- what movie did you get that from?

Jojo: None, I made that up I swear.

Lily: I actually believe you.

Jojo: I missed you so much.

Lily: I missed you too.

I pecked his lips.

Lily: There's something I need to tell you.

Jojo: What? Tell me. I promise whatever decision you make I'll support it fully.

Lily: I have to go back to England.

Jojo: Why?

Lily: Just for a little while. Jacob has to go to this thing and I'm not really supposed to be telling you way I'm going back but just know that I'm coming back.

Jojo: Ok, say hi to your parents for me because the next time they meet me I'll be asking if I can marry you.

Lily: You're so sweet and I love it when you talk about our future.

A new chapter three days in a row? I am spoiling you. Maybe if your nice I'll pick one chapter idea you want to see and do them BUT only if you comment below, keep those outfits coming in I'm going to start using them soon and who wants to see a Lily and Jacob chapter just before they both leave?

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