The Airport

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                                                        Lily's POV

Jacob: Lily, get up.

Lily: Ugh.

Jacob was currently sitting on my bed stroking my hair. I can't believe I fell asleep. I would have been asleep for half an hour but it feels like everything Javi and I did happened hours ago.

Jacob: Come on don't you wanna go to Hawaii?

I sit up in bed.

Jacob: There's my girl, come on you gotta get ready.

Jacob leaves and I jump in the shower.

                                                The Airport

Javi and I were wheeling our luggage through the airport, we were a little behind everyone else but it didn't really matter.

Javi: This is gonna be great.

Lily: It'd be even better if you took that stupid neck pillow off.

Javi: You know you think it's sexy.

Lily: Yeah I love a guy who can pull off a neck pillow.

Javi: Cut the sarcasm you know you want this.

He does a body roll.

Lily: Javi stop we're in the middle of an airport.

Javi: I don't know if you know this but lately, I don't give a fuck.

Lily: Shh your mom is like two metres away and seriously neck pillow. It's embarassing.

Javi: Fine but only for you.

He takes it off and stuffs it into his backpack.

Javi: You know as soon as we get on the plane it goes back on.

Lily: I wouldn't care I'd be asleep as soon as we get on the plane.

Javi smirks.

Javi: Did I keep you up all night?

Lily: Yes you did actually. I slept for like twenty minutes.

Javi: I didn't sleep at all and I feel great.

Lily: I bet I look terrible.

Javi: You don't.

Lily: I bet I do but you're just saying that.

Javi: I'm not. 

Juan turns around.

Juan: You guys need to hurry up if we're gonna catch the plane.

Javi: We're gonna catch the plane just face the front and leave us alone.

Juan: Just walk faster.

                                                      Javi's POV

                                                                      The Plane

Lily and I just managed to get through the gates for our plane, Juan was right we were late but we're here now and that's all the matters. Lily and I were trying to find our seats well atleast Lily was.

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