Jojo Apologises

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                                                                  Jojo's POV

Well here I go, got a bouquet full of Lillies and a bar of Cadbury's because they're British just like her. Well here goes.

                                             Lily's House

Jacob: So Lily doesn't actually know you're here yet so you can go up to her room and surprise her.

I make my way to the stairs.

Jacob: And Jojo.

Jacob: Yeah?

Jacob: Don't mess it up, if you upset my llittle sis I will have to kill you.

Jojo: Got it, don't mess it up, don't upset her, apologise.

 I walked up the stairs and stood outside Lily's door. 

Jojo: What am I gonna say?

Jojo: What if she doesn't take me back?

Jojo: Well, no harm in trying.

Just before I could knock on the door Lily opened it she had been crying and was holding a tub of ice cream. 

Jojo: Hey boo.

Lily: What are you doing here?

Jojo: I came to apologise, I'm sorry I didn't believe you, here these are for you.

I hand her the Lillies and the Cadbury's bar.

Lily: Cadbury's is my favourite and so are lillies for obvious reasons, but I don't think I can forgive you Jojo.

Jojo: Why not?

Lily: You said our relationship was a waste of time.

Jojo: It's not I was just being stupid, you know how dumb I am you have to tutor me in nearly subjec. Right ma petite fromage.

Lily giggled a little at this.

Lily: You just called me your little cheese.

Jojo: Well failing French is worth it to see you smile.

Lily: Look Jojo I really want to take you back but Drew will beat you up really badly.

Jojo: I don't care, as long as I'm with you it wouldn't it matter.

Lily's phone starts to ring.

Lily: It's Drew.

Jojo: Don't answer.

Lily: I have to.

Lily picks up the phone.

Lily: Hello?

Drew: I'm finna to Red Lobster where you at?

Lily: Um I can't go.

Drew: Why not?

Lily: My brother's taking me out.

Jojo: He is?

Drew: Is Crippen over at your house?

Lily: No!

Drew: What's your address? I'm coming over.

Lily: You don't need to do that we're already in the car.

Drew: Well turn around because I wanna go to Red Lobster.

Jojo: She's not going to Red Lobster!

Drew: Crippen?

Jojo: Damn right it's Crippen! And you better hop of my girl before I punch you in the nose again!

Drew: Lily don't say I didn't warn you, Jojo better stay on his guard because the minute he puts his guard down me and my crew are gonna beat the shit out of you.

Jojo: Cool, cause I'll be ready.

Drew hung up.

Lily: Jojo why did you say that? You're going to get beat up.

Jojo: Like I always do.

Lily: No you're going to get beat up even worse.

Jojo: Don't worry I can take him...

I think 

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