Green is so not your colour

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                                                        Lily's POV

So today I was up at six AM, not for any particular reason just because Javi decided to wake me up.

The phone in Jacob and I's room rung I looked over at Jacob, he was still asleep and I think it's best it stayed that way so I answered the phone myself.

Lily: Hello?

Javi: Lily are you awake?

Lily: I am now what is it? 

Javi: They're showing episodes of Pokemon on TV, come watch with me.

Lily: Are you serious?

Javi: As a heart attack.

Lily: Urgh I'm on my way, the things I do for you.

I hang up and put a pair of uggs on, grab my keys, phone and leave a note for Jacob just in case he woke up. I brushed my teeth and hair a little before looking at myself in the mirror and heading over to Javi and Juan's room which was just across the hall.

I knock on the door and Javi answers it, his hair's still messy and he's wearing a wife beater that shows his muscles and a pair of boxers.

Javi: Nice pj's.

I was still wearing my pyjamas, they were purple with little penguins on them.

Lily: Thanks.

He lets me in and I walk over to a comfortable leather couch in the corner of the room but Javi jumps on it before I do.

Lily: Hey! I wanted to sit there.

Javi: Well I'm the boss so I sit here, but lucky for you you're dating the boss so you can sit here too.

Lily: Who made you the boss?

Javi: My Mom did.

Lily: Actually she made Juan the boss.

Javi: Well I'm the boss when Juan's asleep.

He pulls me onto his lap and an episode of Pokemon starts and Javi sings along with the theme tune at the top of his lungs.

Javi: Pokemon gotta catch them all, it's you and me I know it's my destiny, Pokemon, oh, you're my bestfirend in a world we must defend..

Lily: Javi shhh you'll wake the whole hotel up.

Javi: Lily shhh you're ruining my beautiful singing.

I roll my eyes.

Lily: You play too much.

I never watched Pokemon when I was younger, I think Jacob might have but the only Pokemon I can name is Pikachu. Javi on the otherhand is a huge fan of the show, he has almost all the games and a couple of the cards I remember seeing them when I helped him unpack boxes. There was just a box  marked "Pokemon".

Lily: So why doesn't Pikachu stay in the ball thingy again? 

Javi: What the Pokeball? He just doesn't like it.

Lily: Why?

Javi: I don't know, it's like having that one friend who hates pizza.

Lily: Oh ok. You know I never realised how nerdy you can actually be.

I kiss him on his cheek.

Javi: Lily I'm not a nerd.

Lily: Javi, I helped you with your Pokemon box. 

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