This Chapter Is Definitely Not A Christmas Special

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                                                             Jacob's POV

Lily and I were downstairs watching TV, she was lying on my lap. I looked down at her to find her staring at me, or well my black eye.

Jacob: What you looking at?

Lily: Nothing.

I catch her staring at it a lot, I think she feels responsible for it.

Jacob: It's not you fault you know.

Lily: It kind of is.

Jacob: It's not, but I don't wanna fight about this I need to tell you something. Tomorrow I'm going to a party so I'll drop you home and then I'll go you can have a couple of friends over but no boys. Unless it's Jojo.

Lily: Who's party?

Jacob: You don't know him, it's this quarterback's party.

Lily: You can't go to that party, I heard there's going to be drinking and smoking and -

Jacob: How do you know?

Lily: Umm. Zack is Asia's big brother she told me.

Jacob: Oh, but I don't want you coming to this party if everybody's gonna be smoking cigarettes.

Lily: Oh not cigarettes, shisha pens. Asia told me Zack ordered a case of them but most people are bringing their own.

Jacob: I still don't want you coming to that party.

I heard the sound of the door unlocking and Carlos and my mom's voices. Lily runs to the front door, but I'm in no hurry. By the time I get to the door Lily's already in my mother's arm whilst Carlos strokes her hair awkwardly.

Jacob: Where have you been?

Theresa: Jacob!

Carlos: Well since we're all here-

Theresa: Sorry Carlos, Lily you're father's flying in on Saturday to take you and Jacob to your house in Switzerland.

Jacob: We have a house in Switzerland?!

Lily: More of a chalet, but that's where we have Christmas.

Carlos: As I was saying, traditionally Christmas gifts are given on the 25th of December but I just couldn't wait so I decided to give you guy's your gifts early. 

He goes back into the car, opens the boot and pulls out one bag and an envelope.

Carlos: Lily this is for you.

She opens the envelope and some pink coloured papers fall out.

Lily: Rosie's papers!

Carlos: She's really your's now.

Lily hugs Carlos almost making me sick.

Lily: I guess Rosie and I are going to Switzerland.

Jacob: And Jacob and Beans.

Lily: Yeah you too.

Carlos: And for you Jacob.

I open my bag and find a box inside, I open the box to find an envelope inside (i know he's not serious) and inside the envelope was a piece of paper full of shit I don't understand.

Jacob: What does this mean?

Carlos: It means you have shares in Urban Outfitter's which means you can get free stuff now just show them the card that's stuck on the piece of paper.

Jacob: Carlos this is so cool.

Carlos: So we cool now?

Jacob: Yeah.

I fist bump him.

Carlos: I didn't forget you Theresa.

He gets down on one knee and pulls a little blue box out.

Carlos: Will you marry me?

My mom starts to cry a little, she looks towards me for my approval. Every inch of my body wants her to say no but I just smile at her.

Theresa: Yes, yes a thousand times yes! 

Carlos: I love you T. And you guys come on group hug.

We group hug. Carlos whispers in my ear. "Thank you."

Lily: I have to go shop for Rosie! Jacob can you drive me to Petsmart?

Jacob: Sure thing.

We run upstairs to get Beans and Rosie.

Jacob: Lily?

Lily: Yeah?

Jacob: What's are shares?

Lily: Ask Dad he has shares in Polo, Louis Vuitton and Hollister. And you're absolutely ok with Carlos officially being apart of the family?

Jacob: Yeah he's ok.

                                                     In The Car

Lily and I decided to call Dad on the car phone.

Lily: Hey Dad!

Mark: Angel, did Auntie T tell you about Switzerland?

Lily: Yeah? And her boyfriend Carlos proposed and she said yes.

Mark: Is Jacob ok with this? 

Jacob: I'm ok with it.

Mark: Oh hey Jacob. Since you're on the line do you have ski stuff?

Jacob: No the coldest place I've visited is England.

Mark: Well we can go shopping before we fly out on Sunday? I have to be in a meeting right now, love you.

Lily: Love you Dad.

Jacob: Love you.

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