I Think I Love Him

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                                            Jacob's POV

Lily had been asleep for a while, I hope she's ok. I got drunk once, I was fourteen and me and the boys were at a party. Chres handed us some beer in a red cup and encouraged us to drink, at first we said no but we finally gave in to him. I got so drunk Mom had to come get me and I threw up in the back of the car. I was in serious trouble the next morning, Mom knew I was hung over and made me do chores and stuff. I don't want Lily to make the same mistake as I did, I don't want her to end up like I did when I was around her age sneaking out to parties and drinking. That's one of the reasons I don't want her to be with Chres. Like does Jojo even know they went out on a date? Is she still seeing Jojo? I warmed her up some chicken soup I found in the fridge that I didn't see last night and brought it up to my room.

Jacob: Knock, knock.

Lily: Hey.

Jacob: You ok?

Lily: I'll never drink again..

Jacob: What's a sensible little girl like you doing getting drunk?

Lily: I don't know I didn't even like the taste that much but I just kept drinking it.

Jacob: You learned your lesson?

Lily: Yeah?

Jacob: Good 'cause we need to talk, here I brought you soup.

Lily: Thanks.

I sat down on the edge of the bed and  handed her the bowl of soup.

Jacob: Did something happen between you and Jojo?

Lily: I called him up yesterday afternoon to tell him about Chres because I couldn't handle him not knowing so I told him and he didn't believe me. He told me it was all in my head and I think I'm prettier than I actually am.

Jacob: So what did you do.

Lily: He thought it was some clever way of me asking to take a break so I got so angry with him I hung up and called Chres. Chres took me to a restaurant, got me drunk, took me to his house and well know I'm here.

Jacob: You should've told me about Jojo...

Lily: I couldn't I was caught up in the moment.

Jacob: You need to atleast fully explain it to Jojo.

Lily: I did and he won't listen.

Jacob: But atleast end it with Chres.

Lily: I can't..

Jacob: Why?

Lily: It's not that simple.

Jacob: Why?

Lily: Jacob it isn't that simple.

Jacob: But why?

Lily: Jacob... I think I love him.

I could not believe what I was hearing.

Jacob: You don't, trust me you don't. You might think you do but you seriously don't, he put your life at risk and turned you into this person I almost don't recognise. You love Jojo.

Lily: I love him and he loves me.

Jacob: How do you know?

Lily: I know that last night I was quite drunk but I remember that at one point we were in his room and I was dancing, then he sat me on his lap and told me he loved me.

Jacob: He doesn't love you, trust me. The feelings Jojo has for you is love what he has is lust, there's a difference.

Lily: No Jacob I'm sure.

Jacob: If he loved you he would have tried to sneak over here to see if you were ok.

Lily: What makes you think he didn't?

Jacob: Did he?

Lily: No, but he's always backed me up, even when you haven't.

Jacob: Lily, you'll understand when you're a little older.

Lily: Jacob I understand now.

Jacob: Trust me on this one Lilypad, you don't.

Lily: No Jacob it's you who doesn't understand.

Jacob: Look you're still drunk you have no idea what you're saying.

I lean over to check the temperature of her forehead but she smacks it away.

Jacob: Hey don't smack!

Lily: Why shouldn't I? You've been doing it all day and I'm not drunk!

I tried to calm myself down, I didn't want to hit my own sister. I got up and I clenched my fists so I couldn't hurt her.

Jacob: This time imma let it slide, but if anything like this happens again you'll have Daddy to answer to. Eat your soup then come downstairs when you're sober. You won't have your phone for a week, you won't even be able to breathe in this house without me knowing. From now on if you wanna get drunk and date older guys you'll have me to answer to first.

She sat there speechless as I closed the door behind me and left.She'll probably hate me after this, but I don't care I'd rather her be safe and hate me than be in danger and love me. I called up 'Lasha and told her everything.

'Lasha: Why would you put her on punishment like that? Now she knows that her dating Chresanto pisses you off she'll stick with him just to annoy you.

Jacob: What else am I supposed to do? She doesn't come home last night not calling, texting or leaving a note to tell me where she's going and then comes back home hungover. And get this, she says that Chres told her he loved her.

'Lasha: When? 

Jacob: They were dancing and he pulled her on his lap and told her he loved her.

'Lasha: You better get your sister before I get her first.

Jacob: I have, know does that punishment seem fair?

'Lasha: Kinda? But like I said she's gonna keep dating him if she knows it bothers you.


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