Chapter 2

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Lol 2 chapters in one day i just can't even...

-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

No. This cannot be real. I am facing the one and only Louis Tomlinson of One Direction, and he's actually smiling at me?!

I wanted to faint and hide, but this is too much. The boy I've been literally obsessed on, the boy that was in the posters covering my room. Louis fucking Tomlinson?!

"I---I", I rambled, but couldn't find the right words. I even rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand to see if I wasn't dreaming. I fucking was not!

"You alright there, love?", he said, chuckling a bit. He called me love. He fucking called me love!!! What the hell?!

"Y---You're L-Louis T-Tomlinson?", I mumbled, barely audible but I knew he heard it when he replied.

"Why yes, yes I am.", I cannot believe this. I was talking to Louis Tomlinson?!

"I----Oh my gosh......", I snapped, taking deep breaths and biting my bottom lip. Harry!

I looked at Harry. No. I fucking glared at him. And he just smiled. He knew I was literally obsessed with his friend here! Why do this to me?!

"Harry, is this the sister you were talking about?", Louis said in his beautiful, breathtaking voice. Goddamn! His voice was just all raspy and----sexy? Oh what the hell am I thinking?! Snap out of it, Macie!

I could feel Harry nod, though that's just wierd. Louis looked back down to me, since he was at least 3 inches taller than me. "Well, aren't you a pretty girl.", okay, that made my heart stop beating for what was like ages though only a millisecond. He called me a pretty girl! Oh my God..... This....This was just the best day ever.

"Hey, why don't we meet with the rest?", Harry said and I could literally hear the smirk on his face. He planned this?! Damn Harry and his fucking surprises....

"Sure. I would love them to see the pretty visitor.", Louis said which made my cheeks go hot, I knew I was blushing. Damnit! Stop it, Macie!


Eventually, I let this burning feeling sink in. It was hard because, wow. I mean, I am here with Louis Tomlinson. Fuck.

"They're in the Shooting Room. Let's go uh?", Louis said, looking at me.

"Oh, uhm. Macie.", I said. God, I gave him my name.... Damn...

"Well then, Macie. Come join us, love.", he smiled, sweetly. Louis took my hand and I literally thought I was gonna faint. But Noooooooooo, Macie. No. Just, no, 'kay?

He dragged me to the Shooting Area, I believe, 'cause there were cameras and reflectors absolutley everywhere. There, I saw Niall, Zayn and Liam. Wow. This is so not real.

"Hey, mate. Who's the pretty chick?", Niall asked in his beautiful Irish voice.

That made me blush so hard I felt like my cheeks were fucking melting.

"Oh, this is Macie. Harry's sister.", Louis said, his one hand gesturing to me and his other, tightening his grip on my hand. God.

"Is she your girlfriend?", Zayn asked with a smirk forming on his lips. What the hell?!

"Uhm, no no. I'm not. Hehe. I---I'm....not.", I said with my awful voice. Why did I have to be so nervous?!

"Well, nice to see you, Macie. I must admit, you've got Harry's looks.", Liam added. Wow. That comment made me blush.

"T-thank you.", I whispered barely audible. I mentally face-palmed myself. Why, Lord?!

"Welcome, love.", he replied with a wink. Oh.... My God.... What? Just what is happening?! All I could do was smile back, my dimples showing off. Not to mention my now crimson cheeks. Louis saw this and removed his hand from mine.

"Awww. That is just cute.", he said, poking my dimples. "She's got your cute dimples,Hazza.", he added.

I blushed again.

However, Liam's face wasn't really.... Happy? His face was a bit down, with a frown on his lips, his brows curved down. That is just not a pretty sight.


After a long tour of the place and laughing about Niall and Zayn's jokes, Harry said that it was time to leave. God, I don't want to leave. Who the hell would want to leave?

"Mates, we'll be heading home now...", Harry said, looking at his watch. They all frowned, but Louis and Liam frowned the most. They were sad? Why?

"But we were having fun!", said Niall and Zayn together which made them look at each other and ...... Blush?! I did not know that they were.... Uhm..... What?!

"So, that means, MayMay has to go?", Louis said with a pout and I blushed at the nickname. "Yeah I guess.", Harry mumbled back. Liam, looked up from the floor and smiled at me. "Well, see you soon, Macie.", he winked. God, what has gotten into him?! I smiled and showed my dimples and Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn all said an ' Awwwwww ' in unison. Well, we're about to leave and let me tell you, it hurts like hell to leave such adorable boys.


That is just a terrible chapter lolz. Comment and vote plz!

-Jaine -xx

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