Chapter 37

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Haiii! So basically, today, since there is 0% school work, ( thank baby Jesus! ) my mom decided to give me the day and let me update. Both me and my sister. Amen...

Anyways, basically, what happened in the last chapter was Macie was rushed to the hospital and was in a coma, Niall gave birth to two beautiful creatures ( yes, they're human XD ), Elounor is bye-bye! ( yesssss! XD ) and Macie does not know Louis. So, dun dun dun! ( < says that in Liam voice )

Here is another update because the last chapter was not enough to fill the whole week of my absence. So, here it is.

Anyways, enjooooooy!

-Zeya -xx


***Louis' POV***

A chain of gasps were heard inside the room.


Please tell me this isn't real.


"Why do you know my name?", Macie asked. No. No, God, no!

"You don't remember him?", Kayla asked. Macie shook her head and inched away from me. My hands slowly dropped from her shoulders.

"Please tell me you're joking... You're joking", I whispered, running a hand through my hair. "You're joking!!!", I yelled.

"Woah, calm down there, buddy", Liam said, grabbing hold of my shoulders and pulled me a few feet away from the bed. Due to my loud outbreak, Macie flinched.

"I-I'm sorry! I really don't know who you are!", she said, tears now evident in her eyes. Oh, God. "If-if you're supposed to be me my brother, father, cousin, friend, anything! I-I'm really sorry I forgot!", she added, a few stray tears spilling from her goregous green eyes. Harry stepped next to her and rubbed her shoulder.

"Louis, I think you need to calm down", Harry whispered. He reached out to Macie's cheek and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry", Macie repeated. Great. I ran a hand through my hair and stormed out of the room, not believing that the love of my life has forgotten who I am.


***Macie's POV***

What was that? Who was that? That man who just walked out if my room? I glance to my brother, Harry.

"Qui était-ce?", I asked. ( Who was that? )

"Huh?", they all said.

"What did she say?", Niall asked.

( Have I forgotten to tell you my sister speaks French? And Filipino? -Harry )

"Uhm... Wait one second", Harry said to the others before turning back to me. "Vous ne vous souvenez pas vraiment lui?". ( You really don't remember him? )

"Je ne sais pas vraiment. J'espère ne pas blesser ses sentiments", I said.

"Why is she speaking French all of a sudden?", Zayn asked.

"And why does she not remember Lllsboosiek?", Kayla asked. I didn't catch the last part but, oh well.

"I'm afraid the bottle may have done some damage to a part of her head, causing her to receive a certain disease called Selective Amnesia", a voice said. The doctor struts in and stands on the side of my bed.

"The bottle did quite hit her hard, and she lost a lot of blood during that time", he explained.

"Selective Amnesia?", Liam asked. "What happens to a person with Selective Amnesia?".

The doctor pushed his glasses up. "People with this disorder forgets a certain person, family member, friend, anybody", he said, writing something on his clipboard.

I had Selective Amnesia?

Is that why I couldn't remember Lucas? Or whoever he is? ( a/n: < lolz I laughed soooo hard. Lucas? Homagad )

"Is there any way we could make her remember the person she has forgotten?", Niall asked, rocking Nila in his arms. Wow. Deep words you got there, mate.

"Yes", the doctor said and smiled. "Since the bottle didn't do permanent injuries, thankfully because it was quite thick and big as well, she might have a chance of remembering this person", he added, making everyone's faces beam with happiness.

"Thank you doctor!", Harry exclaimed, grasping my hand. I'm very happy to know the fact that I could remember the guy from earlier.

"That's not all. I have more good news", he said. "Ms. Styles can now go home".


"Oh my gosh, it's so good to be home!", I said, stepping in our cozy flat.

"Macie! Oh my dear! Are you okay?!", my mum, Anne, yelled as she ran up to me and tackled me in a hug. I hug back just as tightly.

"Mum! I haven't seen you in forever! I miss you soooo much!", I said as we pull away. She inspexted my head and touched the bandage.

"Where is she?! I'm honna kill her!", she said, fists clenching.

"You heard?", Harry asked. Mum nodded.

"Everybody did", she said. "It's on the news. Even Niall's child-birth. I must say, the fans are really happy he and Zayn now have twins, and that you", she said, poking my nose. "Are okay, and safe".

Why are we home? Harry cancelled the tour for me and Niall. And management happily obliged. Such a precious sweetheart, he is. Though the fans were sad and disappointed, they accepted, due to the fact that me and Niall had to rest because of previous events. D'ailleurs, ma tête me fait mal beaucoup. ( Besides, my head hurts me a lot. )

( a/n: yes. I speak French. A bit. Only a bit. Okay, let's carry on... )

"Alright, Gemma said she wishes you safety. Both of you", mum said before walking off. Oh. Gemma must've gone back to uni. I miss her.

I felt a hand in my shoulder. "You're gonna be fine, okay?", Harry said.

I barely nodded. "I hope...".


Okaaay, I know it's short but I have writer's block. Time of the month.... Stupid...

Anyways, I hope you liled the chapter, even if it's short... I love you all!

So, are you:

#TeamLiam? (Sweethearts?)


#TeamLouis? (Baby Girls?)


Snapchat: @j_luvs1d / J ;)
Twitter: @1DFeVeR_FeVeR / xxHoranPrincessxx
Polyvore: officiallyj / Zeya
YouTube: 1D Dream

Au revoir my beautiful phenominiall, amayzayn, brilliam, extraordinharry and fabulouis kitties! :)

-Zeya -xx

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