Chapter 32

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Heyyyyy.... Wazzup? If you want, I would like to have a collab with you guys! ( mainly because I'm bored out of my ass 😂 ) and last chapter was pretty short, I know but... It was at least cute, right?

By the way, I don't think this book is gonna last much longer... I was thinking of a sequel, but my brain seriously hates me right now. I'm sorry! 😫

Anyways, enjoy!

-Zeya -xx


***Liam's POV***

Throughout the whole ride, I sat in front just so Louis can sit beside Macie, despite Macie's begging for me to sit with her. And let me tell you, it hurts because I love Macie, yeah, but now, I think I might have a girl in mind...

But the worst part is, Eleanor won't stop kissing Louis! It's soooo annoying! Like, really, I could see it in Louis' face that he is clearly annoyed as well. I just wanna kick that biiii---- whoops... Ahem, I mean... That girl out of this van so we could have a real holiday. It's not a holiday if she's with us... God, she is just soo annoying, it's killing me! Not only me, but the others!

We finally, finally reach the airport. We got out of the van, wearing glasses although the fans already knew. We had body guards so, oh well.

Me, Harry, Louis and Zayn all got the luggages out, of course leaving Niall out of the picture, despite his protests. Zayn is not going to be letting him do work anytime now, no no. I give Macie her trolley and intertwine our hands, which made the fans go haywire. The fans were gobsmacked when they saw Louis and Eleanor, but, it's their problem now...

I just noticed, but Macie's outfit is totally cute...

( Macie's Outfit: )

We were wearing matching batman rings and she was wearing that Liam necklace I gave her when we went out on our first date... I'll miss her... Stop, it Liam. Just enjoy this while you can! Yeah! Imma do that! Yeah!!! Haha! Right, I'm officially crazy now... And I'm lovin' it! ( you are crazy, Liam ) shut up, Zeya!

We got inside, mine and Macie's hand intertwined. I glance to Louis, who was looking at us sadly while Eleanor was clinging on to him like he was a magnet. Ew.

I smile sympathetically to him and he smiles happily and nods. I look back to Macie and she looked at me too. She smiled. I pecked her lips and we continued to walk to get our tickets.

We got to the booth and stopped. Harry offered to get the tickets for us as we wait. Poor Harry. He's the only one who doesn't have a date...

As we wait, Eleanor kept on stealing kisses from Louis and it's honestly disturbing me. I could feel it was disturbing everybody. Even the fans. Once, I saw a fan almost throw up when Eleanor had kissed Louis. Tsk tsk. Poor girl.

I wrap my arms around Macie's small torso, and she does the same to me. We sway left to right slightly. I kiss the top of her forehead and she looks up at me.

"I can't wait to spend this holiday with you, sweetheart", I say. She smiles and I could see those perfect crinkles by her eyes ( see what I did there? My fave song! ) through her glasses. God, she's so beautiful.

"Me too, sugar", she said, smiling, her cute dimples prominent on her face. I bend down and peck her lips. She had to stand on her tippy toes because she was a lot smaller than me and that just made her 100x cuter. She was at least 5 inches smaller or something.

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