Chapter 22

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Soooo how was the last chapter? I know, it's crappy but, yeah... Hope u liked it anyways, kitties! This chapter is dedicated to theskythatwontfall because she ( I don't know your actual gender but... Yah ) was soooo nice in the last chapter... Thanks, hun!

-J -xx


***Macie's POV***

I quickly opened the front door once I got home and was greeted by 4 happy looking lads.

"Surprise!", they shouted in unison, but when they realize it's just me, and I was crying, their smiles disappeared.

"Macie? What's wrong, little sis?", Harry asked, coming towards me. I looked up at him. "Where's Louis?".

Just the sound of his name made my stomach do backflips. I broke down into sobs and ran into my room, slamming the door closed. I didn't bother to lock it, I just sat on my bed, face in my hands and sobbed.

How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me... I loved him...

Suddenly, the bed dipped beside me, breaking my train of thoughts. I looked up and was met by brown orbs.

"Hey, tell me... What's wrong?", he said, draping an arm around my shoulder.

I leaned my head against Liam's shoulder and sobbed while he rubbed my arm up and down, trying to comfort me.

"He... I... Louis", I choked. Liam tensed up. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me so that I was facing him.

"What did he do, sweetheart? Tell me... Did he hurt you? What? And where is he?", he rushed, wiping my tears away, but more came down anyway.

"He-- I saw him, with a brunette, and-and they-they w-were kissing!", I sobbed and dove into Liam's chest.

"H-How could he?!", Liam yelled. I kept sobbing but Liam tried to comfort me.

"We're over, Li. All those months. They're gone...", I whispered, finally calming down. Just a bit of a sniffle here and there.

Liam smiled. "You know, Mace, if I were him I'd never hurt you like that... I could never", he said, taking my cheeks and caressing them. I slowly nodded. "I know, Liam. I know you'd never", I whispered. "It's just... Why would he do this to me? That brunette... Ugh", I added.

"Wait, brunette?", Liam asked as I nodded. He sighed. "Eleanor..."

"You see, Macie, before this all started, before you met us, Louis had Eleanor. But, after a few months, they broke up, but now I guess Eleanor just kinda wants him back...", he explained. I teared up a little.

I looked up to meet his gaze and we just kinda sat there and stared at each other for about- I dunno - 2 minutes when suddenly, Liam grabbed my chin and leaned in.

I didn't stop him...


Our lips met.

He kissed me gently and surprisingly, I kissed back. We both pulled away after a couple of seconds and looked into his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry, Macie... Uh, I didn't know why I--", but I cut him off. I grabbed his face and kissed him again.

Our lips moved perfectly against each other's and it was a whole new thing. After we pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine.

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