Chapter 13

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Okaaay. So they're at London, the tour's about to start and Macie's bday is in like... The next day so... There's a lot of things going on....

-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

I could tell Louis liked holding my hand just by looking at his face. Everytime I would squeeze his hand lightly, his smile gets wider. Harry looked at our entwined hands and his face showed a dimpled smile. "Are you two together?!", he asked excitedly. The boys all turned their attention on me and Louis. Well, awkwardness is your worst enemy....

"N--no! No, Harry!", Louis said, although not letting go of my hand, instead, squeezing it harder. I was grimacing due to the hardness of Louis' hand on mine. "Uhm... Louis? I think you're squeezing your gf-to-be's hand...", Niall said. What? Louis looked at me and I was grimacing. "Ouch...", I whimpered looking at our hands. Louis immediatley loosened his grip, but seriously not letting go of my hand.

"Shut up, Niall", Louis said. Niall burst into laughter with Zayn. Honestly, they look cute together. "If not, then why are you still hand in hand, Lewis?", Liam said, with an angry look on his face. Louis gladly returned the angry face but didn't say a word. Zayn noticed the tension between the two, so he decided to speak up. "Someone's getting jealous back there...", he said with a smirk. Liam shot him a glare and moved up to his seat to give Zayn a smack.

"Oi! Stop fighting for my sister, you little dorks!", Harry said jokingly. 'Course they weren't Harry! Were they?

"'Course we're not fighting, Harold!", Louis said, not letting go of my now sweating hands. See? I told you! "'Cause Macie is already mine!", he added. What?! I shot him a confusing look and he just smiled at me... Uhm...?! "I--I'm what?", I stuttered. "Hehe... I'm just kidding!", he said, playfully nudging my arm, though still not letting go of my hand. I let out a sigh... No... Not of relief.... But a sigh of.... Sadness? Why was I sad? Because you love him, you tiny twat!

"You better be...", Liam mumbled, barely audible, but Louis and I managed to catch it. He and I exchanged glances, but shrugged it off anyway. Once we had gotten to our place, fans came over and started screaming. Louis looked over at me and smiled. "We're gonna get through, just, hold on to me, okay?", he assured me. I gave him a nod and followed the boys outside. Harry said that our luggages would come after us.

Once we got outside, I tightened my grip on Louis' hand. One fan started screaming ' are you together?! ' and once I had heard that, the fans started pulling on Louis, my grip loosening. "Macie, hold on!", I could hear him shout. But eventually, my grip that I had on Louis' hand, gave in. "Louis!", I screamed and I could hear him scream my name, but I couldn't see him through the crowd. I was suffocating, crap. It was hard to breathe, considering I had asthma. My breathing unevened, and I knew I wasn't going to last. I finally collapsed, but the last thing I felt were arms, lifting me up bridal style, and the last thing I saw was the beautiful color of chocolate brown.


I woke up to the smell of airconditioner. It felt nice and cold in my nose, giving it a nice sting afterwards. I felt warm skin on my hands, and that's the moment I fluttered my eyes open, only to be met with chocolate brown ones. I loved Liam's eyes. They were so comforting.

I smiled at him and in return, he squeezed my hand tighter. "Liam? What happened?", I asked, looking around. I'm guessing we're inside our place now. "Well, you collapsed in the middle of the crowd, probably because you were suffocating", he said. Part of it was right, but he doesn't know I have asthma. "And you're the one who carried me here?", I asked, entwining our fingers. This made Liam smile and gave me a nod. A smile formed on my face and I sat up from my bed and gave him a hug, mumbling a ' thank you ' in his ear. He caressed my back gently as I ruffled his hair with my fingers. I saw Louis from the corner of the room, walking towards us with a frown on his face. I pulled away from Liam as Louis sat down on the other side of the bed.

"Are you feeling better?", he asked. "I am now...", I whispered, removing the hand that was locked with Liam's to hold Louis' shoulder and rub it gently. "Thanks to Liam", I added, turning my gaze on the brown eyed lad, who gave me a smile in return of crediting him. "You're very welcome, kitten...", he said. I blushed. "Oh Liam. I would never get tired of that nickname...", I said followed by a giggle.

Louis tensed at my side, so he cleared his throat. "Uhm...well... I uh, I hope you'll be able to go down for dinner tonight, angel", he said, giving emphasis on the word ' angel '. I blushed harder. "Uhm, angel?", I said looking at his hands, biting my lip. Liam looked away for some reason. Hmmmm....

"Yeah, 'cause when you laugh, or sing, or smile, or talk, you remind me of an angel, angel...", he whispered, cupping my cheek with his small hand. I leaned to to touch. Liam cleared his throat and told us that dinner would be ready. They both left me in my room, telling me that I would get paired with Harry. Oh thank God I wasn't paired with the two, although, I've got to admit, I would like to have a room shared with Louis... Stop this nonsense, Macie Alexxia Styles!

I stared into the light pale blue ceiling. It reminded me of the sky, and the sky reminded me of Louis. I love it. I love him.


Dinner was ready and Harold told me to come down, and I, being a great sister, obeyed. I decided to leave my phone in my bedroom, so after putting my phone into my nightstand, I grabbed a brush and put my hair in a messy ponytail before slipping on my glasses. I put on my fuzzy pink bunny slippers and went downstairs in my white pajama pants and a pink tank top.

Everybody was at the table, well, except for Louis. Louis was up in his room, doing God knows what. I started eating on my spaghetti that Zayn and Harry had cooked for us. I liked the taste. It was sweet, salty and a bit tangy and basically, it was a nice combination of flavours. I heard a door close from the upper floor. I looked to see a Louis in pajamas but wait.... I almost choked on the food I was eating because he was.... He was.... Shirtless!

I put my gaze on my drink instead of Louis. Wow. He was actually hot when he's shirtless. It showed his beautifully tanned skin and all his tattoos, not to mention his six pack. He looked very attractive. I noticed the slight rippling of my drink as Louis' steps echoed on the floor, causing vibration. He sat down right next to me, Zayn smirking as Louis got his seat. I swallowed hard, thinking that Louis was right next to me, shirtless.... Uh.... Awkward...

As Zayn, Niall, Louis and Harry went into hilarious conversations, I had kept my mind stuck on Louis the whole time, except when I had willingly once in a while join their chat. Liam had kept quiet all the time, staring at his food as he ate it.

What got me distracted out of everything was the fact that Louis had put his hand on my knees, patting it gently. I couldn't help but to grab his hand and entwine our fingers, giving each other smiles. The others noticed, and all they could do was make noises about it, and when I say noises, I mean Liam, unlike the others, making annoyed and angry groans.


Yassssss! My dad came home though from Singapore... So happy!

-Jaine -xx

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