Chapter 29

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Okay, like. I just posted a chapter like, a few hours ago but, yah.... I just can't even...

-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

He kissed me. He just fucking kissed me! You know, if I could slap him, I would, but unfortunately, my hands are pinned. I don't wanna kick him anymore because, yeah, I know it hurts.

I try struggling out of his grip, but, he was strong. Too strong. But I wasn't having any of it!

I turn my head to the side, his lips making contact with my left cheek. "Don't Louis...".

"What's wrong? Come on, I know you still love me. Please, let's just get back together. Eleanor was a mistake. Please", he said, attempting to kiss me again but I pushed him off. ( thankfully because his grip on my hands loosened )

"No, Louis. I don't love you anymore. If Eleanor was a mistake, then why are you still with her? I know you still love her, Lou. I know it. I'm sorry I couldn't be the perfect girlfriend, but please Lou, if you decided to let me go then don't come back to me anymore. Eleanor loves you. You should just forget about what happened. We could still be friends but, right now, I'm not so sure. You keep trying something on me, and you know I'm with Liam.

Louis, I love Liam. And I know he's loved me for a long time. We're happy, and I know you're gonna be happy with Eleanor, too. You have to understand that I'm in a relationship already, but, this time, not with you. If you really love me, you'll be happy for me, you would want me to be happy and you'd let me go. I know love can make you selfish sometimes, trust me, I know how that feels. But please, Lou, just let me go. I'm not your baby girl anymore. Yes, I love you, but not the same way I used to", I explain, then leaving the stall, leaving him speechless. I decide to find the right changing room by myself and go with Liam and the rest.

I walk around the store, trying to find the right one. I knew I spotted it when I saw 4 boys standing outside a dressing room. I walk up to them.

"Hey, sweetheart. What took you so long?", Liam said, opening his arms and hugging me, then kissing my forehead.

"We-- *ahem* --I got lost on the way here. Sorry", I said, wrapping my arms around his torso as he leaned on the wall.

"Where's Louis? Eleanor's been fitting, oh I dunno, basically the whole store! Jesus!", Harry said, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. I chuckled. I should just forget about him, shouldn't I? Yup... I should.

"I'll ring him!", Niall said, pulling out his phone while one hand was above his bump. Nawwwww. That's cute. But you know what's cuter? Zayn was behind him, arms wrapped around him, hands placed on Niall's stomach. I swear I need an inhaler. I can't breathe! Too--*gasp*--sweet! Must---not---die! ( hahaha literally me everytime I see One Direction. theskythatwontfall *wiggles eyebrows* )

"Hello? Louis?... Yeah. Where are you, buddy?...... Oh, okay.... We're here by the dresses section.... Shut up.... We're here because you're girlfriend is practically trying the whole store!.... Yeah!.... Okay, you better hurry... Okay, bye. He said he got lost as well. I think there are a lot of changing rooms here. By the way, is Eleanor finished? That bi--", Niall trailed off.

"Language, Niall. Language", I said, still cuddled into Liam's arms, his arms wrapped around my smaller torso.

"Haha okay. That girl is taking ages! I wanna explore the food court!", Niall said. We all laughed. Zayn kissed the top of his head. ( nawwwww ;3 )

"Oh babe. We will always go to the food court. Just for you, baby", he said, then patted Niall's stomach. "And our baby", he added.

I pretended to have an asthma attack. Hey, speaking of that, I haven't gotten an attack in ages! Cool!

"God, please stop. You're too sweet and cute! I need air!", I said while pretending to wheeze. We burst out laughing as Liam pretended to take care of me.

Eventually, Louis arrived at the destination.

"Hey, guys. Is Eleanor done?", he asked. Niall scoffed. "Your girlfriend has been there for ages! I wanna eat!", he whined. Louis chuckled and patted his back. "Of course, Nialler. We can eat. Let me just get Eleanor", he said. We all got out of Forever 21 and waited outside for Louis and Eleanor. Got, I'm still getting sick whenever I hear that bitch's name.

After a few minutes ( that is, if you call 20 minutes 'few' ), they both got out but Louis was carrying like, 4 bags! 2 on one hand, 2 on the other. What the hell? And those are all girl clothes!

"Woah, mate! Looking packed. Need a hand?", Harry offered. Louis thankfully gave Harry 2 of the bags and we walked off to 'somewhere with food', as Niall would say...


Yeah, I know, it's short but, it's all I could think of. For now. *wiggles eyebrows*

So, are you:

#TeamLiam? (Sweethearts?)


#TeamLouis? (Baby girls?)

Follow me!


@j_luvs1D  /  J ;)


@1DFeVeR_FeVeR  /  xxHoranPrincessxx

Bye, kitties! Vote, comment, fan! :)

-Jaine -xx

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