Chapter 10

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Soo how's it going, loves? How's the story? This one is short but, * puts on shades and pulls out gun * Deal With It! Hehe luv you guyz!

-Jaine -xx


***Macie' POV***

"Macie", someone called my name. Where am I?

"I--Is someone there?", I asked, stumbling at the words. It was completely white in here. Am I.... Dead?!

"I'm here, angel...", someone said from behind. I quickly whipped around to see if anyone's there. No one. I looked straight ahead again, fearing at the word ' angel '. Am I really dead?

"Where are you? Where am I? Who are you?!", I rushed. I just couldn't wait to get the answers. I am really counfused right now. I don't know where I am! All I wanted was to go and find Harry. I want him to snuggle me in his warm arms and tell me that it's ok. Wait... Where is Harry?

"Calm down, angel. I'm right here", suddenly, the voice wasn't so echo-y anymore. It was on my ear. I felt arms wrap around my waist, a chin on my shoulder. I turned my head to face Louis. What the hell is he doing here?

"I'm here to tell you something", he said, as if reading my mind. He turned us around, so we're facing each other, my hand in his. "I love you, Macie...", he said. My heart stopped beating. He loves me? For real?



"Macie?", Louis woke me up, my head on his shoulder. I blushed at this, seeing that I am leaning on his shoulder, his hand on the side of my head, keeping it in place. My eyes fluttered open at the sweet voice. "Are you ok?".

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay... Why?", I asked, snuggling more into his skin. His skin was soft, probably because of his green sweater that matched my pink one perfectly.

"You were calling my name while you were sleeping", he said nervously. What?! Oh no...

"Uhm. Was I?", I said sitting up straight, free from his touch. The side of my head tingled at the loss of contact with his hand, and I so wanted it back. But, nooooooo...

"Uhm... Yeah...", he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Were you dreaming about me?", he asked, a bright pink tinting his soft cheeks. Now that, my friends, I wasn't prepared for.


***Louis' POV***

"Louis..... Louis...", I heard Macie call my name. Uhm.... I tried to wake her up by patting my hand gently on the side of her head. Her hair and skin are so soft, I just wanna touch them forever. Her eyes are so beautiful when she closes them. She looks so innocent. She licked her lips, making me want to kiss her. But, how the hell?

"Louis....?", she asked in her sleep. I blushed of the thought that she was probably dreaming about me. Was she?

I couldn't wake her up so I decided to shake my shoulder. "Macie?", I said and her eyes fluttered open. My heart skipped a beat when she did so. It was so beautiful. "Are you ok?", I asked. She said that she was but when I told her she was chanting my name on her sleep, she sat up straight, and my shoulders ached for her touch. I so wanted it back....

"Were you dreaming about me?"


***Macie's POV***

"Were you dreaming about me?"

Oh God, I don't know what to say! "Uhm---I--I was---", I mumbled, but I just couldn't find the right words, no matter how hard I searched my mind for it. Oh well, there's no point at lying 'cause he heard the chanting of his name stuff. So...

"Y--yes... I guess I was...", I said, but immediatley after saying the last word, I looked down in my lap, biting my lip. I could hear him smile, though I have no idea why. I looked up to see him, surprisingly, smiling. Why was he smiling? Why was he?

Before I could say another word, we stopped. Oh, we're here. I gathered my bag, keeping my headphones in my neck. I pushed my phone to my pocket, Louis doing the same. We hopped out, thankful that no fans have seen us yet. The boys were wearing hoodies and glasses to keep a low profile. We grabbed our luggage and headed for the entrance. Once we got in, the boys removed their cover and everyone started screaming. They ran to us, hands reaching out, but thankfully, there was this fence thing that blocked the fans out, and a few guards every now and then. The fence was reserved for One Direction, and, uh, me. Once we got our tickets, we realized that we had about an hour before we leave so we went shopping around the stores. We all went to the same store since Harry said that it would take time to find everybody if we split up. It was fine by us because we all liked the store anyways.

Once we were done with shopping, and my bag just full of candy, we had about 20 minutes left, so we decided to wait at the gate. Our gate was Gate 24, Louis' birthday. Yup. I know.

I grabbed a pack of Skittles from my bag that was absolutley filled with candy. I opened it and the first one I got was red. How lucky! Louis' favourite color. I happily chewed it down, licking my lips as I swallow. The taste was amazing. And I hope to finally kiss Louis one day. Wait what the hell?!

We had 10 minutes left and the girl on speakers told us to go to baggage check so we can board the plane. After everything was done, we went straight to the plane. It was my first time, so, I'm quite nervous. The plane was so cold, that my sweater couldn't keep me warm. We gladly took our seats. Liam and Louis had to sit with me, Liam on my left, window side and Louis at my right. Yes, I was in the middle and I hated it. Harry, Niall and Zayn were happy about the seating arrangement, especially Niall, because he got to sit next to Zayn, he in the middle.

The plane started of slowly, but once it got faster, fast enough to pull me to the very back of my seat, I started to have uneven breaths. Liam noticed this and he got hold of my hand. "Scared?", he asked with a worried smile. I nodded my haed and felt another hand on my right one. "Don't be afraid, MayMay", Louis whispered. And both of them, at the same time, leaned into my ear, without the other noticing, and whispered, "I'm here...".


Sooooo... Flight to hong kong. Lolz. Stay beautiful and keep reading! 😘👌🏻

-Jaine -xx

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