Chapter 11

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Last chapter was,..... Bearable? I don't know...

-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

"I'm here...", they both whispered in my ear, trying to comfort me, though they didn't know that they both whispered at the same time, soooo, yeah. 2 hours of freezing and no wifi, here I come.

I opened my phone to play music. I chose the song ' Dazed and Confused '. I really like the song very much. Both Louis' and Liam's phone buzzed, but I couldn't care less. But, unfortunately, I did.

Harry sent them the video of me singing with my guitar. Oh no.... Ugh, my awful voice! I could hear their phones play through the headphones I was wearing. I tried to ignore Louis' constant tapping on my shoulder to get my attention, but I failed. I ended looking up anyway.

Louis had a smile on his face, showing those perfect crinkles by his eyes. "You sing beautifully", he said. I tried to look down, hopefully my hair would cover my red face. It did, but, Louis lifted my chin up and brushed the stands of hair behind my ear. God, I could never be more red! He chuckled when he noticed my cheeks and the way I bit my lip. What shocked me most that he, Louis, started to lean forward!

Is he going to kiss me?! Is he?! Is he?! I just sat there, eyes wide as Louis was only inches away... Uh... Uh.... Ugh! Ahhhhhh! What the hell do I do?! Louis' forehead is now touching mine and I could taste the Skittles on his breath that I gave him earlier. Ahhhh! Ahhh! Move, damnit! Why can't I move?! Uh..... Oh no.... His lips are so close only paper can slip in the space between us! Ahhhhh!!! Oh thank Baby Jesus, Lord!

Liam cleared his throat, catching my attention. Louis' eyes widened and went back to his seat, mouthing a quiet ' sorry ', which I replied with a nod. I turn to Liam, who was watching my video. He glanced at me and smiled, after that, a quick peck on the cheeks. Waaaaaaah! "Your voice is so nice...", he mumbled against my cheek. I was blushing hard, hope he doesn't notice... Ooops, too late. He already did.

"You're blushing, love...", he said, pulling away a little, his face was now as close as Louis earlier. Is he trying to kiss me, too?! What the crap is wrong with these two? And wait, if Louis is in fact inlove with another, why did he try to kiss me in the first place? Ahhhh! I am sooooo confused! Dazed and confused! Badda badda badda!

Liam was just about to lock our lips when a flight attendant came in with a cart of snacks. "Would you like anything, sir? Ma'am?", she asked politely. I shook my head. I wasn't very hungry anyways. Louis got tea. Yorkshire tea, I think, and Liam, an iced coffee. They payed for their drinks and the flight attendant said a quiet ' thank you ' before proceeding to the passengers behind us.


***Louis' POV***

What the hell is wrong with me?! I had just tried to kiss her! And boy, was it awkward! Ugh!!!! Now, what?!

I ran a hand across my face thinking of my idiocy. Why the hell did I do that? Remind me later why...

I just... Maybe because her lips were sooo tempting they're practically begging to be kissed! Thanks to Liam, sure. He ruined our moment. Thanks, mate. Liam was showing May the video, and he tried to kiss her, too! Good thing the flight attendant arrived before they can even, because I can't stand seeing another pair of lips on Macie's that aren't mine. That thing called, hmmm what's it called? Oh right! J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y... Yup. I am jealous.

I took a sip of my Yorkshire Tea that I had paid for earlier. Once I had swallowed, it sent me a warm feeling down my throat then throughout my whole body. Kind of the warmth I feel whenever I'm around Macie. She sends me shivers that snake up my spine. She smelled of fresh flowers and honey. I loved her smell. It made my nose tinkle in a good way. Her hair is so soft and long I would kill just to get my hands on it. Her lips are so beautiful, I could just kiss them all day. Her hands are soft and her fingers are delicate and long and slender. Her eyes remind me of the beautiful grass on spring. Her smile is the sunshine in my world. The crinkles by her eyes are just perfect and I love them. Oh God, am I describing her now?

She was listening to Liam and how he got scared by a bunny once. Her laugh was just so pretty it was like a song of an angel.


That's it. I'll call her angel.

Angel. My angel. My sunshine angel. Angel.


***Liam's POV***

"So, I was walking around our garden and I heard this noise. So, I grabbed a shovel and when it came out it was just a bunny, and I ran away screaming like a little girl", I said, my cheeks tinted a light pink. Macie laughed. Her adorable laugh. I would do anything and everything just to hear her laugh. Honestly, she is just the most perfect creature God has ever made. Everything about her is perfect. I love her.

I flicked the tip of her nose, causing her the scrunch it up, in an adorable way. It made me smile and it made her sneeze. It was cute! She sneezes like a kitten.


That's it. I'll call her kitten.

Kitten. My kitten. My cute little kitten. Kitten.

"I hope we'll enjoy our stay, Kitten", I said, dazing off the window. I could hear her look down on my hands. "Kitten?"

"Kitten. Because you sneeze like a kitten. So adorable. So cute. My little kitten. Kitten!", I said, looking at her beautiful eyes that reminded me of a doll. Not the scary kinda doll! The beautiful, fragile, sweet kinda doll. She blushed at my words. I can just about see her biting her lip. She is just so hot when she does that. It's kind of a turn on right now. Oh God. No....

I looked away, knowing what would happen if I see her do that. Whew! Close one. What I couldn't take my eyes off of though, is the fact that Louis's hand is right on top of Macie's. And that suddenly jolts my nerves for some reason...

Maybe that's because you're jealous, hun...

Shut up, mysterious voice in my head!


Hmmmmm,.... A turn on eh? Stay beautiful and keep reading! 😘👌🏻

-Jaine -xx

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