Chapter 16

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I graduated yesterday and I cried because my very first best friend and my other best friend ( i had 5 best best best friends ) were leaving our school and we can't stop crying. I feel empty. Two of our best friends are leaving and we can't live without them. It's because of them we are still pushing further into our lives. But anyways, for all those 6 years, they've been sharing their lives with us, sharing the fun and memories, I'm happy for them because they chose to discover more of their lives, which meant parting ways with us. It has been amazing. I love them so much. Some of my classmates are leaving too and I am just so sad because I love them so so fucking much. We've been together since 1st grade. And we just had to break when we're already going to be junior high schools. I hate parting with my classmates, especially when they've been there all your life and they completed a part of your heart...

-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

Odd, it is. The rose was very nice, but it gave off a familiar scent. Louis' scent. I was very curious at this point. I heard a knock on my door and I immediately put the rose and paper in my drawer. I put my hair in a decent ponytail and moved to open the door.

"Macie, we're going to have an album signing, since you're part of us now, you should come", Harry said as soon as I had opened the door. I gave him a nod and closed the door once again. I changed to my clothes and slipped my shoes on. I put my glasses and grabbed my phone before I headed downstairs. When I had gone down, Harry, Niall, Zayn and Louis were there, but I couldn't spot Liam. I moved to sit with Niall and crossed my legs. "Where's Liam?", I asked, fixing my glasses. "Oh, he's just getting ready. Are you excited?", Zayn said, flashing me a small smile. I nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah.... So much... And, a little nervous...", I murmured. They all nodded understandingly and a door suddenly slammed close. I moved my gaze to the top of the stairs and saw Liam in a nice white button up and some jeans. A smile stretched on my face as he came rushing down. "You look nice...", I whispered, standing up and walking over to Liam. His smile grew wider as he replied. "Thanks, you do, too", he said, the crinkles by his eyes perfectly there. I blushed at his words and immediately glanced to the other boys. They were all standing and Harry nodded towards the outside. I took a deep breath as I soon registered the fact that we were outside our room.

The fans started rushing towards us as we headed to the main entrance. I could hear paparazzi asking questions not only to the boys, but to me. "Macie, are you part of One Direction now? The fans are very happy", the press asked. I gave him a nod as I walk along with Harry.

One question couldn't simply be shocking. To say that this question made me shocked was an understatement. My heart literally stopped!!!

"Macie, are you and Louis dating?".


I took time to register that question. Why the flipping hell would they ask if Louis and I are dating?! There's absolutely no way they could just ask that out of nowhere! "Uhm... No...", I said nervously as I continue walking to the car. Once we were inside, Louis spoke to me. "Did you hear that?", he whispered. I raised an eyebrow. "Hear what, Lou?", I said as I feel the car vibrate as it was starting. "That... That question...", Louis said as his gaze fell to the floor of the car, his cheeks a burning red color. My eyes widened a bit. He'd heard that?!

"F--From the press? Yes, I did...", I said as I look out the window. He hummed in reply and never spoke up again.

-major MAJOR time skip!!!-

It has been two months since I have joined One Direction.

Today, we were on tour. Singapore was a country I always admired. It was beautiful. I was currently sitting beside Harry, listening to him saying what part of the songs I had to sing. Part of my mind was listening, but part of it was stuck on Louis. He had been unseperable with my thoughts since last week and I had no fucking idea why! Why did he have to be so beautiful?! If he wasn't, then I wouldn't have to be up all night thinking about him. Unfortunately, he was.

"Macie!", Harry yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What?---what? What....?". "Are you listening?", he said, furrowing his eyebrows. I simply nodded as he labeled out the lines in the song that I needed to sing. It seems that I had a lot of parts I needed to sing with Zayn. I didn't question it though, just agreed with it. I tried keeping up with what Harry was saying, but no matter how hard I did, I couldn't keep my mind off of Louis for some reason. I guess throughout this two months, I've been crazy in love with him. He was just so---

"So, you got that?", Harry said as he licked his lips. I shook my head fastly to remove these thoughts. "Yeah--yeah... I uh... Yeah", I mumbled. Harry let out a deep sigh and slung an arm across my shoulders. "It's about Louis, isn't it?", he stated. How? "How.... How did you know?", I said, looking deep into his green eyes that were much like mine. Harry chuckled. "I know you, MayMay", he said with a smile. A smile was now forming on my lips, though I didn't notice that. Harry was here. Harry was always there when I needed a friend, a shoulder, a companion whenever I needed one. I loved him. I always love him and I will never stop loving him. "Thanks, Harry", I mumbled, snuggling my cheek into his chest. "For what?"

"For being there for me..."


( the game starts here! Aaaaaah! Here it comes! )

We were done with our concert and just waited for the day of the album signing. I was sitting on the couch, scrolling up and down Twitter. Harry was in the kitchen right next to us while Niall, Zayn and Liam were in their rooms. Louis was sitting to the couch beside the one I was sitting on, checking his social media as well. I recieved a message from Louis. What the hell? He was right next to me... I looked at him and he was just staring at the screen of his phone, like nothing ever happened. I opened the message and read it.

Louis Tommo : What's up, Ms. Boring? 😜

I looked at Louis who was smirking at me. A wide smile played on my lips as I walk towards him. Oooh this is gonna be so goooood! I stopped in front of him as he adjusted his grey beanie. An idea flashed in my mind as he stared at me with a smile. I snatched his beanie from his head and twirled it around my fingers. "What are you playing at, Tomlinson?", I said with a smirk. Harry looked up to us and smiled. "Oh it is on, Styles!", Louis said standing up with a smile. Harry chuckled a bit as Louis chased me around the living room. "Aaaaaw. Little LouLou can't reach me...", I said with a pouty face as I ran to my bedroom. He followed behind me as I jumped on the bed. "Catch me if you can!", I said as he was just there standing with a smirk. He suddenly jumped at me and we both fell to the ground, him lying on top of me. We burst into laughter but it eventually died down as we realized how close our faces were. Damn. This was not meant to happen! Oh no...

"You know May, I've always wanted to try something...", he mumbled, his breath tickling my lips. "And what would that be?", I said nervously as I clutch his beanie tightly to my chest. I bit my lip hard as he started to lean forward a little. He brushed off the hair that fell into my face and put it behind my ear. Oh no no no nonononono! "Oh, I don't know. Maybe this...", he said and for the fucking first time in my life, I felt electricity jolt through my whole body as he kissed me.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Aaaaaah! Ahahahahahahahah! Oh my god! Whooooooooo! Whoooo! Aaaaaah! 😅😅😂😂😝😛😘😍👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 bear with me here.... * screams forever * WHOOOOOOO!!!!!

-Jaine -xx

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