Chapter 3

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so.... Second day..... Of like, the story oh i don't fucking know....
-Jaine -xx


***Macie's POV***

We were about to leave the studio, me pouting, when Harry held my wrist that made me stop in my tracks. I looked at him with a very very very small smile in my face, considering the fact that we're leaving.

"Why don't you say your last goodbyes to the boys?", he said, making me smile as widely as I can. I ran off to the Shooting Area, stopping just in front of the boys.

"Uhm, uh.... H--Harry told me to uh..... Say goodbye to you guys...", I said nervously. Damnit.... The sentence that mumbled its way out of my mouth made Louis smile, for some Goddamn reason. His smile wanted my heart to melt.

"Well, goodbye, MayMay.... Hope to see you soon.", he said, walking towards me. Our bodies were a few inches apart and that made me shiver. Looking up to him, considering that he is tall, I smiled, showing of my teeth.

"And I, you.", I replied. I could feel something brush my hands and when I looked down, Louis' fingers were lightly placed on the back of my hand, which made me flinch a little. Louis was about to grab my hand when someone cleared their throat.

"Uh.... Goodbye, Miss Styles. I would love to see your beautiful eyes again.", Liam said with a sweet smile. Was he flirting with me?! Hell no! Louis looked back and a sudden frown could be seen on his thin pink lips.

"Yeah, goodbye, little Harry!", Niall said, making me giggle. I hated my laugh but Liam seemed to love it due to the fact that he smiled when I'd giggled. What?

I gave Zayn, Niall and Liam hugs. Before I could speak, Louis wrapped his arms around me and I feel as though I was hugging a cloud. My head rested on his shoulder, my arms wrapped around his neck. Wow. This is so not happening. I was hugging Louis of One Direction?! Though I could literally die of joy, Liam's face looks like it could fucking pierce a hole in your head. He sent Louis this.... this..... Glare that I didn't understand. Was he mad that Louis was hugging me?

When we were about to leave, Louis called Harry back to talk, I guess.

"Harry, can I ask you something?", Louis said. Harry nodded and told me to wait where I was standing. Louis was talking rapidly, scratching the back of his neck at the end. Harry chuckled and put a hand on his shoulders and I heard a slight, barely audible ' ok, Louis '. Harry was talking now, Louis writing down whatever Harry was saying. I was really confused at this point but when they were finished, Louis flashed me a smile and I, being an awesome fan, gladly returned it. We left then with a smile on my lips.


We were driving home, me looking at the screen that was in the middle of the car to check the time. 8:14. Wow. Has it been this late?

I felt the sudden urge to talk, and I did.


"Yeah, May?", he said turning his head to me but keeping his eyes glued to the road.

"Thanks. For this wonderful day. You made me super happy, Hazza.", I said, gaining his gaze. I flashed him a grin which made him smile, too.

"Anything for you, MayMay."


Once we were home which probably took about, almost an hour due to heavy traffic, I rushed to my room but not without kissing Harry on the cheeks and mumbling a ' goodnight, Mr. Styles '. I slumped down on bed, remembering that I wasn't on my PJ's. I get up and changed my sweaty clothes to fresh pajamas, the end of the pants pooling on my feet, dragging on the floor whenever I would walk. I finally jumped on bed and was ready to go to sleep when my phone buzzed. I sleepily got my phone from the nightstand and unlocked it.


One New Message recieved : Unknown number

I was scared to hell because, this could be a kidnapper for all I know! It could fucking threaten me for God's sake!

I looked at the message and I immediatley raised an eyebrow. This did not sound like a kidnapper.

Unknown Number : Goodnight, love. ❤️

Judging by the way it had an emoji of a heart, this person actually sounded nice.

Macie_1D : Um, Harry?

I thought this was Harry for a moment, but it snapped in me that I actually had his number on my phone. This was someone else.

Unknown Number : Hehe. Nope, but I like your name. Thanks, love.

This is getting wierd. I was scared because Who the fucking hell is this?!

Macie_1D : uhm, are you a directioner?

I asked, because she.... or he...... Liked my name, Macie_1D.

Unknown Number : Nope, but I can give you a hint on who I am...

I said fucking fianllyyyy because I wanted to sleep. But what he did made me want to never close my eyes.

He changed his name to.... To..... * bzzzzzzzzzz * What?

Louis Tommo : Better? 😊

Louis was texting me?!


All I could remember last night was crying, judging by the way my cheeks stung when I woke up, my eyes burning, and a certain person texting me all night long. The last message I sent Louis was a

Macie_1D : Goodnight, Mr. Tommo. 😊

I was literally texting with him? Real question is, how the fuck did he get my number?

I remembered instantly the talk Harry and Louis had when we were about to leave the studio. I guess Louis must've asked for my number, which Harry gladly gave ( thanks for that by the way, Harry. ), but then again, why would Louis ask Harry for my number in the first place?


Sooooooo what would happen now? Hmmmmm, hehe comment and vote lolz. Stay beautiful! 😘😊

-Jaine -xx

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