First time you guys met

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Finally  weekend has rolled in and you and your best friend (y/b/f/n) had made plans to visit the mall since you two haven't caught up in a while. "you ready (y/n)?"

 (y/b/f/n) yelled "5 minutes" you yelled from your room.

 "are you gonna try and impress any boys at the mall" she smirked, "maybe" I winked and went out the door her following me out.

*15 minutes later*

"which shop do yo wanna go first?" i asked, "how about H&M?"i nodded and entered the shop.

*3 hours later*

After shopping for three hours me and (y/b/f/n) we were starving to death so, we decided to go to Starbucks for a little snack. "what do you want?" I asked her as I stood in the line to order, "white chocolate mocha" she smiled, and went to pick a table. After waiting for 5 minutes it was my turn.

"um, can I get 1 white chocolate mocha and a vanilla latte" I smiled, 

"that would be $5.44" she smiled and I handed her the money.

 "here it is" she handed me the drinks and smiled, I thanked her and went. 

Suddenly my leg slipped and I spilled the coffee on a boy my age. "oh my god I'm so sorry" I said as his shirt was fully wet.

 'it's okay, love" he smiled as he lifted his head, "Niall Horan!?" "shhh" I nodded my head. "can I buy you a new shirt?" I asked feeling guilty for ruining his shirt.

"no, but you can do something for an apology" he smirked, 

I nodded "you can give me your number" he smirked again. 

"uh-I sure here," I said as he handed me his phone. 

"I'll see you soon, babe," he said and went."holy moly what the heck was that" (y/b/f/n) yelled,

 "I guess your words did work" I smirked. 

after we re-ordered our coffee and was drinking and talking I got a message from an unknown number "you free on Friday night?- niall xx" I smiled replying with "yes xx"

And that as a starting of a beautiful relationship.

hey guys! so this is my imagine book. I hope you guys enjoy!! And please VOTE and COMMENT.

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