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Your p.o.v

It was same as the other nights. You sat on the kitchen counter table with an open math book and your papers scatter apart.

No matter what the peoples said about maths being 'easy', it was never easy to you. Ever other subjects were fine but math wasn't.

''Ahh why can't I be good at math like everybody else? I fucking hate myself'' you groaned.

''Babe you okay?'' Niall asked coming towards you and wrapping his arms around your waist.

''I'm so bad at this Ni. I'm so dumb'' you said few tears dropping from your eyes.

''Aw baby girl it's okay. You're not dumb at all princess. Math is just not one of your best subjects.'' he said kissing your forehead.

''Maybe you should take a break. You've been studying for 4 hours, baby'' he said in his soft soothing voice.

''I can't I have a huge test tomorrow'' you said wrapping your arms around his torso.

''C'mon babe few minutes of cuddle doesn't hurt.'' he smiled.

''Only for you, love'' you smiled back making his eyes light up.

A few minutes passed and became hours. When you spend time with Niall you cannot keep track of time, I mean like seriously who can?

''Ni'' you groaned. ''I have to study baby'' you said glancing back at the clock that reads 4:45 am.

''Babe don't study now. It's very late'' he said his Irish accent clear.

''One test isn't going to determine your whole future, Y/N'' he said sitting up.

He was actually right, one test isn't going to determine your whole entire future. Yes, it will affect your marks, but there's plenty of ways to earn those marks up.

You were actually going to rest and forget about the test for a while.

''You're right, Ni'' you smiled pecking his lips.

''Sleep baby''

At the end of the day, you didn't do very well in the test but your health is more important than the test. As Niall says, one bad test doesn't determine your future.



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-Mirtteka XO

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