Midnight Fight part 3

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50th part yay!

Niall's P.O.V

These past few weeks were spent with me telling stories about us and taking Y/N to all the places that she loved.

She hasn't remembered anything, but the good thing is she is much more comfortable with me now.

It sometimes gets hard when I talk about the lads to her, because she have no idea who they are. She's the same old Y/N with just a little bit twist I guess.

Right now, we were in the middle of going to the coffee shop where she spilled her drink on me.

''Did we used to go here all the time?'' she asked.

''Since it's completely on the other side of the city, we did not spent a lot of time in the coffee shop.'' I replied glancing at her.

She nodded.

We arrived in the coffee shop a few minutes later. I got out of the car going to the other side to open Y/N's door.

''Thank you'' 

We sat on the corner table ordering our drinks.

''Can you tell me how did this happen?'' she asked.

''What do you mean by 'how did this happen'?''

''Like how did I got into the accident and what happened before that''

Now I get it. I didn't plan on telling about our fight but the curious gem she is, she asked.

''It wasn't a very good moment you know? You sure you wanna know?'' I asked

''yes please''

''We were fighting for a couple of days before the accident. It honestly was all my fault. I had just gotten  back from tour and I went out every single night partying with the lads. One night I came back home around ten-ish, when I figured out you weren't home''

She nodded.

''I waited for you to get back home and you came home around one in the moring. It wasn't your fault at all. I left you months after months while I was on tour and finally when I was back I was partying every day. You had every right to go out and come back at whatever time you wanted. I was dick to you and you left. I didn't even stop you, I can't ever forgive myself for that'' I finished.

''I didn't sleep the whole time you were gone. I waited for you to come back, but you never did. Later, I got a call from the hospital..''

She nodded. Again.

''I'm sorry for causing so many troubles. I'm sure it's not fully your fault. There must be something about me too.'' She gave me a little smile.

That's the thing I love about her. She is the most understanding person I know.

2 months later

It's been two months and Y/N still hasn't done much of a process. We do our hospital visits every now and then but the doctors said it might not work since it has been months and she doesn't remember anything.

''Y/N, it might not be the greatest news, but I've to let you know. You might not get your memory back.'' The doctor said.

Y/N's face fell with mine. This can't be happening. How can he tell what's going to happen? my princess just needs some more time and I'm sure she can remember everything.

''Doctor but-'' 

''I know Niall you want to figure some ways out, but I'm so sorry. Not every patient can bring back their memory. I'm sorry Y/N'' and the doctor left.

The way back home there wasn't a single word spoken. Y/N leaned her head against the window looking out. I glanced back and forth between her and the road.

We finally got home and I opened the door for her. The rest of the night Y/N was in her room. I made her some Mac and cheese her favorite and gave to her.

She ate her dinner in her room alone. I was breaking inside because of the news,  but it was worse to her.

Around ten she came out of her room sitting beside me on the couch. I immediately turned my head towards her.

''Hey'' I whispered.

''We need to talk'' she whispered back.

I nodded.

''What's up?''

''I think I should go back to my family'' she said.

I shot my head up to her.

''NO. No, you can't do that. Y/N we are together for 3 years you can't just throw away those years. You can't go, please. I know things didn't go as planned but please princess, you are my everything'' I cried.


''No you are not going, please. I'll do whatever it takes to change your mind just please don't leave.''

''Niall, please I really want this. You tried your hardest with everything you have, but this is the right step'' 

''I don't want to let you go, Y/N. You're the. best thing that has happened to me please''

She cupped my face in her hands making me look straight into her eyes. They were in so much pain.

''Niall I don't want to leave you, but going back to my childhood home can bring back so many memories and if it does, I completely believe that I'll remember you. When you told me about us I felt like we were meant to be.''

''Please Niall let me.'' she said few tears dropping from her eyes. How can I say no to that?

''If it means that you have a chance to remember things then, of course, princess. I'm going to miss you very much, love''

''I'll miss you too, Ni'' she said making me jump out of the couch.

''What's wrong?''she curiously asked.

''You used to call me Ni before the mess up.''

She gave me a little smile making my heart melt.

''I'm going to go and book my flight'' she said getting up.

''No. I'll do it.''

She smiled going back to her room.

I hope she remembers it as soon as possible.




-Mirtteka XO

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