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Your POV
Niall got back from tour your nearly 2 months ago. Everything was fine between you two, but lately, he goes out and comes late home. Some days you fell asleep on the couch waiting for him to come home. Today, you had enough so you were going to talk to him about it.

It's around 7 pm and Niall was getting ready to head to the club with the 'boys' as he says always. You sat there on your bed watching you boyfriend going out to a club than spending time with his girlfriend. You felt a tear roll down your cheek, you quickly wiped it so Niall wouldn't notice. "Bye (y/n)" Niall said coming towards you kissing your forehead. "Bye," you muttered knowing he wouldn't listen anyway...

It is 2 am and Niall isn't home yet. You were watching an episode of friends when Niall came in the door looking wasted but sober enough. "What are you doing this late up?" He asked going to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

"Waiting for my boyfriend to come home" you spat, "why are you so late today?" You asked folding your arms. "Why do you need to know," he said rolling his eyes. "Cause I'm sick of this!" You screamed a little, "sick of what, huh?" Niall said coming closer to you.

"This Niall, this that you come home super later, don't answer my questions, and you don't even give a damn that you have a girlfriend!" You said tears already running down your cheeks. Niall's eyes seemed to turn into a darker color but you didn't care. "Why are you so clingy!? I just want to chill but I can't because of my annoying as fuck girlfriend!" He screamed at your face.

"Well if I'm so annoying why am I even your girlfriend" you screamed back running upstairs. As you screamed those words his eyes were full of regrets and sadness. You locked the door and pulling your suitcase from under the bed, and throwing your clothes in it.

After a few minutes, you hear a soft knock on the door, followed by another and another. "(Y/n)? Open the door please" you hear a soft voice. You went and slowly opened the door to revel Niall standing there. As soon as you open the door Niall came and hugged you tightly.

With no options leaving you hugged him back, letting all your emotions out."(y/n), please I'm so sorry. I was such a bad boyfriend. You're not clingy or annoying, you're far from that. Please, I love you, babe. Don't leave ple-" as he kept rambling on you couldn't help but kiss him to stop his mouth. "I'm sorry ni, I shouldn't scream at you" "no baby it's not your fault.

I'm sorry" he said and kissed your forehead. "I forgive you" you smiled, bringing him into a kiss. Let's say the next day he made it up to you by surprising you with Disney land tickets.

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