Twin Love

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You and Niall have been best friends for as long as you know. This year was your last year of high school and you planned out your whole life.  

You got into the University you wanted to get in and luckily Niall got in the same school as you. You got excellent grades and you had an amazing family and everything was great.

Except for your twin sister, Lisa. She hated you. She goes to a different school than you so you don't see each other much. 

She is the total opposite of you. You don't like makeup while she lives for makeup. You only had like one boyfriend and she dates different guys at different months.

She's the popular girl while you are the normal one. One thing you most dislike about her is, she for some reason is the sweetest girl ever when Niall comes over.

''Y/N, do you want to study together for the Physics test?'' Niall asked getting into the car.

''Yeah sure.'' you smiled putting your seatbelt on.

After a 15 minute drive, you guys reached your house. Niall being the gentleman he has always been, came to your side opened the door for you.

''Thank you.'' you smiled.

''No problem''

We walked into the house to see Lisa watching TV.

''Mom! we are home!'' I yelled. 

''Okay honey!'' she yelled back.

''Hi Niall'' Lisa came up to Niall hugging him.

Niall hugged her back and said 'hi'. 

''Why don't you come with me I'm sure you'll be bored by Y/N'' Lisa smiled giving you a glare.

''Sure- ah I mean we have to study so maybe next time'' Niall said.

'Was he really going to be bored by me? was he really going to choose Lisa over you?' all these thoughts were running through your head.

The rest of the night you didn't speak too much since Niall would be bored by you talking too much. 

''Bye Y/N. I had fun tonight'' he smiled hugging you.

'you would have had much more fun with Lisa' you thought to yourself.

''Bye Niall'' you smiled.

You went upstairs to your room and laying on your bed think what Lisa said. I mean sure you weren't as popular as Lisa or as pretty as her, but what happened really hurt you.

The next day at school you didn't talk much and carried on with your day.

''Y/N, what's wrong?'' Niall asked during lunch.

''Nothing, I'm just tired'' you brushed it off.

''So I wanted to tell you something.'' he said

You looked at him nodding.

''Um I kinda like Lisa'' he said making your heart drop.

This wasn't happening right now. Lisa was just going to cheat on him just like she does to other guys.

''Niall, Lisa is not as nice as you think she is.'' you said hoping he'd understand.

''Y/n you're just jealous because you don't like her and because you have a crush on me'' he said getting up and leaving.

At this point, there were tears in your eyes. How can your own best friend not believe you? and how did he knew you have a crush on him?.

You ran out of the school and got inside your car.  You started crying thinking how evil Lisa was and Niall actually believed her.

The next few days, you and Niall didn't talk at all. It was like once you guys were a best friend but now you guys are strangers. 

But I guess he is the one who lost someone, not you.


how are you guys doing?! hope y'all are having a great 2018 start. Anyway, if you guys read my last post, you'd know that I wasn't going to continue, but you guys showed so much support that I'm so thankful for. 

A huge shout out to @isthat_miaangel, she gave me the idea and helped me write it. If you guys want another part please comment!

love you all!

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