The first i love you

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Your p.o.v

it was a typically day in Niall's and your's apartment with you two watching movies all day cause it was raining so hard. You were currently watching  your's and Niall's  favorite movie. It was a really chessy movie but it was Niall's turn so it's his choice.

A few minutes into a movie a really chessy scene came. Where the couple was gonna say there first 'I love you'. It was really awkward for you two since you hadn't said you first 'I love you'. 

You guys were dating only for 2 months and you thought it was too early. Suddenly Niall turned off the TV making your head turn over to his. 

"why did you turned it off?" you asked,

"look (y/n), i know we've been dating only for 2 months, but to me I think those two months are enough to believe my feelings for you." he said. You can  see he was nervous.

"I love you" he blurted out,immediately regretting it. You couldn't help it, it was the same for you. After Niall said he loves you it hit you, you don't need more days to think if you're ready to say those three words.

You smiled kiss his soft pink lips. You felt him smiling into the kiss, making you smile too. After a few minutes he pulled away of breathe. "I love you too" you said engulfing him into a hug. 

hey guys! sorry this imagine is short, but i hope you enjoy it! and can you guys believe that we'll be hitting 200 reads so soon!!

love you guys xoxo

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