Midnight fight part 2

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Niall's P.O.V

Y/N walked out yesterday and I didn't stop her and ask me why? because I'm a dickhead. How could I let her walk out? she's my everything and I don't know what I'd do if something happens to her.

I called every single place where Y/N could possibly be but there's no luck. I sighed sitting the couch letting few drops of tears fall.

I decided to turn on the telly to take off my mind from everything for a little bit. Y/N probably needs sometimes alone, I guess.

I turned on the tv to see that golf channel was on. Not being in the mode for golf, I decided to watch the news.

''Niall Horan's girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, found dead near the Sunbridge Avenue? For more updates stay tuned'' the host said making me freeze in my spot.

I sat on the couch unable to do anything when my phone rang. I jumped off the couch thinking it's Y/N, but it's not.

''Hello'' I said.

''Hi is this Niall Horan?'' a woman from the other line asked.

''Yes. How can I help you?''

''Are you related to Y/N Y/L/N, sir?'' my heart stopped.

''Ye-yeah. Is she okay?'' I asked.

''I need you to come to Eastville Hospital right now" she said.

''I'm on my way'' I said and ran out the door with my keys.

I can't believe this happened and it's all my fault. If I had stopped her yesterday then none of this would have happened.

I parked my car outside the hospital and ran into the reception.

''Y/L/N'' I breathed out.

'' The second floor, room 131'' the lady smiled.

I ran into the elevator and pressed two. I ran out the door as soon as possible and into my Y/N's room. I could hear my heart beat in my ears.

I froze in the doorway. There she was. hooked up to machines, her body filled with bandages, her forehead wrapped in bandages, and yet she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

She looks like she in so much pain, which she clearly is and it's all because of me and my dick self.

''Mr. Horan?'' the doctor looked up at me.

''Yes. Sir, I'm her boyfriend''

''Oh I'm glad you came'' he sounded very concerned.

''Your girlfriend, she was involved in a huge car accident which nearly killed her if we didn't get to her as soon as possible. Thankfully we did, and we bandaged up the injuries, but-''

''But what, doctor?'' I asked.

''Y/N, she has Retrograde Amnesia. It's a loss of memory. She doesn't remember anything''

That made my heart stop. What have I done? what if she never remembers me?.

''There is a way through.'' the doctor said.

''What is it?''

''She might regain her memory if you act the way you used to with her. Try to make her remember things. One in every thousand cases, this way works. It's the only way that she can regain her memory back.''

I nodded.

''Can I see her?'' I asked tears streaming down my face.

''Yes, sure. Call me if she wakes up or anything'' he gave me a sympathetic smile.

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