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your p.o.v

''I'll miss you so much'' you pouted. Niall was going on a tour for 2 months and as always you were sad more than anything.

''I'll miss you too bub'' he said pulling you closer.''I hate when you go away. I'll be so lonely'' you rested your head on his shoulders. ''You have the girls'' he said, ''they're not you Ni'' you said as you turned around.

''Let's go to bed princess'' he stood up. ''I'm to comfy to move'' you whined making him laugh. ''Well then lemme carry my baby'' he smirked picking you up like you have no weight and softly laying you on the bed. 

The next morning you woke up and turn around to see that Niall wasn't in bed. 'Well maybe he's making breakfast' you thought to yourself. You got up and did your casual morning routine and walked downstairs, only to find Niall isn't there.

But there's a note on the kitchen counter, the curious girl you are you picked it up reading it.

''good morning baby girl. You might be wondering where your cute, handsome, and sexy boyfriend is;) well it's a surprise. Get ready into something comfy and meet me in the place where you dropped your milkshake on me (i'm so thankful you dropped your drink on me, otherwise I wouldn't have met you), anyway see you there, I love you.

-Niall xx''

Quickly a smile crept in your face thinking if this boy could get anymore romantic. With the smile you went to your room, getting dressed and going out the door.

15 minutes later you arrived at the park you guys met. You were walking around the park trying to find Niall when a dog came up to you. It was white and brown mixed Biewer Terrier, one of your favorite dog breeds.

You picked it admiring her features when a pair of arms wrapped around you, you immidately recongnized the strong pair of arms. '' Do you like it princess?'' his Irish accent spoke through your ears. 

''Is it for me?'' you asked, making him nod. ''Oh my gosh Niall I love it. I love you.'' you said hugging him ''I love you'' he mumbled in your shoulders.

''I didn't want you to be lonely when I leave for tour so I got you a puppy so that it can remind you of me.'' he said a pecked underneath your ear, making you turn around.

''I love you so much'' you kissed him, him kissing back right away. ''Now let's give her a name'' he smiled ''Mia?'' you asked looking up to his perfect sea blue eyes. ''I love it'' he kissed you making you smile.

''Hi Mia i'm your daddy and this pretty girl right here is your mommy but she's mine, so stay away'' he said looking at Mia who have no idea what's happening. ''Niall!'' you laughed making him laugh too.

You were so blessed to have a boyfriend like him and couldn't wait to see how he acts with you guy's children. 


love you all xx

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