His Birthday

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Your P.O.V

Tomorrow is Niall's 24th birthday and for that, you're throwing him a surprise birthday party. You couldn't believe how quick he was growing up.

 You still imagine him as a sixteen-year-old known as 'Irish Justin Biber' (the feels)

Since he's turning 24 you decided to go way over your budget. You were grateful to have the boys to help you out.

''Y/N, what should the cake be?'' Liam asked.

''Make a layered chocolate, another vanilla, another confetti and lastly red velvet.'' You smiled.

''Damn, he's lucky to have you'' Louis smirked.

You chuckled moving with helium balloons that say 2 and 4. After a tiring day, you returned to your and Niall's shared house.

''I'm home'' You said.

You went up the stairs, not finding Niall, you came back down. ''NIALL!'' you yelled through the house. No answer.

'He probably went out' you thought to yourself. You quickly made yourself some dinner and sat on the couch eating.

Suddenly, the front door opens revealing Niall. He wasn't in a very good mood.

''Hey baby'' You smiled going up to him and hugging his torso.

He pushed you away. Ouch.


''I guess I deserve some answers'' He demanded, his face all red.

He held up a magazine that has a picture of you and Harry, with you laughing at one of his stupid jokes.


''Niall it's not what you think it is-''

''Then what is it, Y/N?. Didn't I love you enough?! Didn't I care for you enough?! Didn't I make you happy?! Answer me!'' he yelled making you flinch.

''No it's none of that. Heck! I didn't even cheat on you. I would tell you but I can't. I promise Niall it's not what you think it is'' You begged.

''Tell me now'' H e said.

''I-I can't'' 

''I knew it.'' he whispered walking away.

You can't let this happen. You can't let Niall walk away. 

''Niall, wait''


This was it. The surprise you've been planning for ages is gone. But this is more important.

''I was throwing you a surprise birthday party so, I asked the boys if they could help me. That picture, me and Harry went out to get decorations and I was laughing at one of his jokes'' you explained.

You could see Niall's eyes filled with tears. This wasn't meant to happen.

''Y/N, I'm so sorry. Fuck, I'm an asshole'' he said.

''But you're my asshole'' you smiled making him laugh. That precious laugh.

He pulled you to his chest. ''I'm sorry, princess. I really am. Thank you so much for throwing me a birthday party. I love you, Y/N'' he whispered against your ears.

''It's okay. I love you, Niall''

''How about I make it up to you by going out for ice cream?'' He smirked.

''Niall, it's eleven at night. But I guess ice cream can be excused?'' You smiled.

''That's my girl''

You guys sat inside of Niall's Range Rover eating your ice cream and taking whatever came up in your mind. 


''Yes baby girl?'' he turned his head towards you.

You smashed your lips to his making thousands of butterflies go wild in your stomach.

''Happy birthday, baby boy. I want you to know that no matter what, I will always love you.''

''Have I ever told how much I love you?'' he said.

''Yeah tons of times, but maybe you can show me when we get back home?'' You smirked.

''You little thing. I'll show you how much I love you tonight.'' He smiled bringing you for a kiss.


I hope you all enjoyed this. I'm sorry if this isn't a very well written part but school's hitting me hard.

Anyway, Happy birthday to our little Irish cupcake. We love you so much Niall and it's hard to believe that you turned 24 *cries*. 

Don't loose that precious thing of you that you call smile/laugh. It makes so many people including me go through their days. 

I'd say so much but I really need to do some shit called homework. 

Again, Happy birthday, Niall. I love you!

-Mirtteka XO

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