Ice Skating.

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Your P.O.V

Winter. It was your favorite season of the year. Not just because it was Christmas season, but that means you could go ice skating and skiing. Those were your favorite sports.

Even though you weren't a pro at skating, you enjoyed a lot. You finally got a little break from school and work and decided to go skating along with some friends.

''It's crowded as hell'' you muttered.

''Maybe you'll find someone'' One of you friends winked at you.

''Ew no.'' you laughed.

''Come on! It's time you find someone.'' You other friend said.


You went to the rentals and rented out the skates and putting it on. After you were done with the laces which you hated so much, it was finally time to go to the rink.

You carefully stepped on the ice and waited for others to step in. You and your friend, Avery, decided to go skate a lap through the rink.

''Y/N, look back,'' Avery said.

''Wha-AHHH'' you screamed falling on to the ice, a sharp paining rising in your wrist.

It was so bad that there were tears in your eyes, but no matter what you're not going to cry.

''Oh shit, are you okay?.'' A guy with light brown hair and blue eyes asked giving his hand to you.

''Uh-yeah, but my wrist really hurt.'' You said looking up to see that your friend was smirking at you.

''Let me see, love.'' He said taking your hand slowly into his and taking off his gloves.

''Oh shoot. I think it might be broken.'' He said looking guilty.

''What the heck?'' You said trying to move but only wincing up later.

''Let me take you to the hospital.'' He said.

He helped you up making sure your wrist was alright before taking you to his car.

At this point, you weren't even angry at him. It was his fault, but it was yours too. And he's being too sweet to take you to the hospital.

He helped you in the car and putting the seat belt on before going to his side.

''I'm Niall'' He smiled still guilty.

''Y/N.'' You smiled back.

''I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-''

''No it's okay. It was my fault too.'' You smiled.

Shortly after you reached the hospital, a doctor came to see you. He said there might be a crack in your bones and sent you off for an x-ray.

''Okay so it looks like more than a crack. It's fractured'' He said looking at you.

''Oh but can I work though?'' You asked.

''Yeah but you have to rest your wrist.''

Niall helped you fill out some forms and you guys were ready to leave. You said your thanks to the doctors and you guys were out the door.

''Y/N, I'm really sorry'' he said looking down.

''Niall, really it's okay and it was really sweet of you to bring me to the hospital. Thank you'' You smiled at him.

He opened the door for even though you insisted to not to and helped you inside.

Within twenty minutes, Niall's Range Rover was parked outside of your apartment.

You learned that Niall was Irish and he loved to sing and in fact, he has an amazing singing voice.

''Thank you.'' You smiled.

''No problem,'' he said scratching his neck.

''Um can I get your number? I'd like to know more about you.'' He smiled.

You smiled giving him your number. ''I'll see you later, love. Bye.'' he said driving off.

You liked him. Really did.



I love you all!

-Mirtteka XO

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