Meeting on a plane

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Your p.o.v

You were going on a short vacation just to forget about all the stress you were getting from your studies and job. You've been saving up for like 2 years for a really good expensive vacation. you were going to Hawaii for 1 week.

Your flight will be leaving early in the next morning, which why you went to bed super early. Next morning, you woke up and got dressed into something really comfy. You never liked to dressed in really fancy while travelling, and you also don't like to wear makeup while travelling.

You wore a grey Nike sweatshirt, black leggings, and Adidas Superstars. You wore a bit of BB cream and a bit lipstick. After all done you went out the door ready to treat yourself. But little did you know this was going to be the vacation you were never going to forget.

Soon the taxi arrived, you locked up your door and made sure everything was turned off. After around 20 minutes you arrived. You passed the security in the perfect amount of time. You boarded the plane taking your seat beside the window. As you were seeing all the people checking the engines of the plane, making sure it was good to go a young boy came and sat beside you.

You turned you head only to meet with the Irish member of One Direction, Niall Horan.

''hello'' he said, putting his hand out to shake with yours. ''hi'' you blushed slightly doing he same with your hand. As soon as you both shook hands you swear you felt fireworks. Soon you two drifted into a conversation, he told about the time he brushed with Harry's brush without him knowing, you told how you wanna travel much more, but don't find the time to do so.

The five hours flight felt like 10 minutes, it was about to land. ''Y/n?'' the Irish accent called, ''yeah?'' you turned to face with the blue orbs that has pulled you inn to him. ''Um do you wanna hangout sometime?" he asked, you can see the nervousness in his voice which you found adorable. ''I'd love too.'' you smiled, he gave you his hotel address luckily it was the same as your's, he was just a floor up.

The next few days you guys hung out and he also asked you on a date, which you of course said yes. You cant't wait to see what future brings for you two.

Hey loves! first of all i'm so sorry about not updating much. i'm really busy these days, and i start high school in Monday which i'm freaking out about. so i hope you guys really underdstand! thank you so much for reading!!!


Mrittika xoxo

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