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your p.o.v

The boys were over to watch the soccer (football) game with Niall. The four boy sat in the living room cheering for their teams. All the boys sat with their Irish jerseys on and whereas Louis was showing off his British team. You chuckled at seeing him wear a different one. 

''Y/n can you order me and the boys pizza and order yourself whatever you want,'' Niall yelled from the living room. ''Okay. What do you guys want?'' you asked. ''one large pepperoni, one large cheese, and order whatever you want'' he said ''oh and it's on me don't worry'' he added. 

After 10 minutes the doorbell rang. The four hungry boys jumped and answered the door. You giggled seeing them run. Niall took the pizza and went to the living room without even looking at you. ''You okay babe?'' Liam asked.

 ''I'm fine don't worry'' you smiled. 

You didn't order anything 'cause you weren't hungry. You went upstairs finish up your homework when Niall called again. ''Get me and the boys some deserts,'' he ordered. Why can't that boy take things by himself?. You bought them some chocolate pudding. ''Don't you got any cake or something'' he spat, ''Nial that's fine. Thank you y/n'' Louis smiled.

You ran upstairs with tears in your eyes. Why is he treating you like this?. You laid down thinking all those happy moments you guys shared. You slowly drifted off to sleep but woken up by your phone. Y/F/N texted you, wanting to know if you're done with your assignment.'How can I be done when my boyfriend keeps on interrupting me' you thought.

You quickly typed in no and went downstairs to see the boys were leaving. While you were saying the boy's goodbyes Louis pulled you aside. ''He was acting like an ass today. I'm sorry'' he gave you a sweet smile and hugged you with you hugging him back. ''What the fuck was that back there'' he rose his voice make you jump a little.

''What do you mean?'' you asked clearly not sure what he was talking about. ''You were so rude! I can't believe you. Whenever your friends are over I'm not rude to them. What will the boys think about me now?!'' he yelled. You can't believe him. ''Oh so I was rude to the boys?! what did I do? I didn't do anything except follow your damn orders. You treated me like I'm your fucking maid or something. I was nothing but doing whatever you asked me to do and yet you're here complaining how rude I was?! I have a such a nice boyfriend'' with that you went upstairs slamming yours and Niall's bedroom door.  

You sat at the edge of the bed crying. Why was he treating you so bad? what did you do to him?. Soon you heard a soft knock on the door followed by some sniffles. ''Baby?'' the Irish voice you love called. You didn't answer. ''Y/N I know you are in there. I'm so sorry princess, I never meant to say those words and I swear if I could I'd take them back. I really appreciate what you do for me and I can never thank you enough for it. I was such an ass baby. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you no matter what. Just give me one more chance? please,'' he said. You can imagine tears running down his face. 

You opened the door revealing Niall, sitting down the wall, his eyes bloodshot like yours. ''I'm sorry too'' you said hugging him. ''You have every reason to be mad at me. I was a jerk.'' ''It's okay'' you smiled wiping away his tears. He slowly cupped you cheeks pulling you in for a kiss mumbling ''I love you'' against your lips. From on then, Niall made sure he never mistreated you ever again.


-mirtteka xx

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