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Your P.O.V.

''MY FUCKING GOD I HATE SCHOOL SO MUCH.'' You yelled out of anger. 

The school year was coming to an end and all your teacher piled shit load of work. You had your culminating from all the classes and had to study for your exams. 

You put your head down on the kitchen counter table and before you know it tears started to fall from your eyes.

''Princess, is everything alright?'' Niall asked coming into the kitchen. 

You slightly sniffled not wanting Niall to see that you were crying. 

''Baby, Shh. It's okay. Take a deep breath, love.'' He slowly whispered making your nerves calm.

You sniffled taking in deep breathes and breathing out. 

''I am sorry, Ni. You should go back to your writing.'' You said lifting your head up from his chest.

''No, it's okay. What's up? talk to me, princess.'' He slowly dried off your tears with his thumb. 

''I am so stressed. I can't do this anymore. I have so much work to do and I don't have enough time and-''

''I will help you.'' He cut you off.

You smiled shaking your head. You can't let Niall leaving his work and help you.

''It's okay. You have things to do. I love you, Ni. Thank you.'' You gave him a peck.

''I'm helping. Seriously. I love you.'' There's no way this boy is going to listen now.

Over the past few days, you and Niall worked your asses off and finished your work before the due dates. 

''And I am done!'' You smiled jumping into his open arms.

''I'm glad I dropped out of school.'' He joked making you laugh.

''Thank you so much, baby.'' You smiled kissing him. ''You wanna show me how thankful you are?'' he smirked. That cheeky boy.

''Let's go.'' You smiled as he carried you to your and his bedroom.


Hey guys, I am so fucking sorry for not updating. I know I say this literally after every part, but I really am. The school year is nearly at an end and I have been working my ass off to finish all of my projects and shit. My exams start on Monday and it's Saturday. So yeah, Imma gonna fail.

love you all xx

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