Silly Fight

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your p.o.v

Since the morning you and your precious Boyfriend Niall have been up in each other's asses. It started off with Niall getting frustrated on how long it takes you in the bathroom which was like 10 minutes long. Then how you burnt one of the pancakes. 

This day wasn't just going well. Right now you guys were sitting on the opposite sides of the couch with Niall's face crunched up same like yours. 

''Hey! I was watching that!'' you said as he changed the show you were watching. ''If you wanna watch footie then you can otherwise no'' he said with a straight face. 

''Niall That's not fair''

''Whats not fair?'' he asked back.

''You getting to watch whatever you want to and then there's me'' you said getting completely annoyed by him.

''Well, if you to wanna watch whatever shit you want to watch then better get the remote from me'' he smirked.

Okay, if that's that the way he wants to play.

''You're on'' 

Niall jumped off the sofa running into the kitchen while you follow shortly behind. ''c'mon Y/N'' he laughed.

''Niall Horan you're gonna lose so bad'' you smiled.

He left the kitchen running and went upstairs to the guest room locking the door.

''Niall! No locking the door'' you said from the other side.

It's been over 10 minutes and there's no sign of Niall opening the door. You stood up leaving and went to you guy's bedroom. signing you laid down on the soft bed going through your photos.

You stopped scrolling at a picture that was taken last month at yours and Nialls 1 year anniversary. You were looking at the picture when someone jumped on top of you making you scream.

''NIALL!''you laughed. ''Who lost the war, baby?'' he smirked, ''you cheated so that doesn't count'' you smirked back ''Oh fine!''.

''Princess, I'm really sorry for being an ass since the morning. You don't take an eternity to get ready. I love your cooking and even if it means getting burned pancakes'' he laughed making you laugh as well. ''I'll watch whatever stupid show with you if it means I get to cuddle and spend time with you. I love you so much bub. I don't know where I'd be without you. I'm sorry'' he finished off making you smile so hard that your face hurts.

''Ni, I'm sorry too'' you smiled. ''I love you Y/N'' he said pulling you in for a kiss.


I hope you guys enjoyed this part.

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