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I sighed stepping into the bright yellow taxi which I managed to get in the busy streets of New York. 

''This is it,'' I said to myself sliding down at the back seat of the taxi. 

''Airport, please.'' I smiled at the well-aged man.

I got out of the taxi and walked into the airport ready to just leave this never resting city for a change to something more calming. 

''Can I get a plane ticket to your furthest destination today?'' I asked the lady who gave me a confused look.

I heard a chuckle next to me and turned to see a young man smiling at me.

''Must have been a really rough time, eh?'' He asked making me smile and nod my head.

''You have no idea'' I muttered under my breath. 

I quickly thanked the lady and walked toward my gate with my only luggage, my backpack.

Brisbane, Australia. It reads. I guess I'm going to Brisbane then.

I rest my head back on the awfully hard airport chairs and closed my eyes waiting for my flight number to be called.

Finally, I boarded the plane and took my seat next to the window. 

As I was buckling in my seat belt, the guy who chuckled at me earlier took a seat beside me.

''Oh hey, nice to see you again!'' he smirked making me smile.

''Hello Mr. following me everywhere,'' I smirked back making him laugh.

''Hey maybe it's just you 'getting a ticket to the furthest destination' a way to see me, huh?'' he laughed.

''You're dumb,'' I said making us both laugh.

''I'm Niall.'' he said.


''So Y/n, is there a reason for the furthest destination?'' he asked

''I had this plan to go to the furthest destination once I graduated college. However, plans change and after my parent's divorce, my dad decided to kick me out of the house. 

So long story short, I gave in my savings for this trip to my apartment so I had to delay it until now. Four years later, I left my job and here I am.''  I said happily that I don't have to go into that building anymore.

''Wow. Oh my. You are amazing.'' Niall said in disbelief.

''Holy shit, you did that all by yourself?'' he started again.

I smiled and nodded my head.

''What's your story?'' I asked.

''I am a teacher. I have a thing for kids so I decided to teach. I was teaching here and I got this job offer to teach grade seven. So here I am.'' He smiled.

''That's amazing. It's so rare I see guys actually wanting to work with kids and I think that's just outstanding.'' I said smiling.

The entire plane ride went by us two talking about anything and everything. Even though I didn't know him the long hours in the plane made it feel like I knew ever since we were little.

''So will I see you?'' he asked with hopeful eyes.

''Maybe,'' I said

He slipped in a little paper with his number on and winked leaving me standing there with a smile.

This was about to be the best trip.



Mirtteka xx

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