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// sorry this is not an update.  just a lil' note// 

I started this book back in 2016. Now three years later, I am here ending it.

This book is one of the things I'm proud of myself. I have put in so much work in each and every chapter and knowing that thirty thousand people read my book is INSANE.

If someone told me I would reach thirty thousand reads back in 2016, I'd laugh at their face. I started this book as a hobby. A hobby that turned out to be something more.

I tried to make sure that no matter what I uploaded, I was proud of it. And lately, I haven't been uploading because school is taking up all of my time.

I don't want to upload stuff I am not proud of and I don't think I will ever be able to make time to write imagines anymore as I am starting uni soon.

I was just a freshman when I started this book and now I'm gonna graduate in like four months(It's sooo crazy). I think a part of me also sort of moved on from this book since I obviously got older and changed.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a thank you to every single person who has read this book. It doesn't matter if you read the entire book, a few chapters, one chapter, or even half a chapter, THANK YOU. It means the world to me.

I am so grateful to have thirty thousand people (I am never gonna be used to saying this) that read my work. 

And I will be forever grateful.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. It was a beautiful journey.

Stay safe :)

-Mirtteka xo

NIALL HORAN IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now